[ D A N G E R O U S ]

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Through out the school, Yoongi was known as "dangerous"

He barley passes all his classes and always talk's back to the teacher's

Everyone was scared of Yoongi and his 'gang' who are also 'trouble makers' of the school

They are scary and could probably make any girl pregnant by just a wink from them

Every girl in the school always go's crazy over Yoongi, and you can't blame them

His sexy smirk, black hair, and piercing eyes can make any girl, and even some boy's, go mad

But the thing that everyone really wen't mad over

His tattoo's

Yoongi had tattoos covering both of his arms, he even has a rose bush on the side of his neck

Rumor has it that every single one of Yoongi's tattoo's have a deep meaning, Yoongi never admitted it, because admitting would mean he has to tell people what the tattoo's meant, but, fun fact, Yoongi trusted no one in the school, not even his gang

Moving on

No lie, Yoongi was the definition of sexy, but that didn't mean Yoongi would hoe around

Yoongi refuses to fuck anyone in the school

Everyone know's that Yoongi is no virgin, but Yoongi just doesn't wan't a one night stand, he want's someone to hold, someone to love

But of course he would never admit that, he would always make an excuse, like how the girl's are annoying and to slutty

Because the truth was, they were

Another thing Yoongi is known for is being a bad boy

Cliche, i know, but it's true

Back talking to teachers, getting into fight's, and you can't forget about his anger issues

One time, Yoongi broke a kid's nose because he was breathing to loud

Everyone heard the crack

Yoongi is known for being a very out going and dangerous person, he rides a motorcycle and smokes on his lunch break

Now that it's Yoongi's last year of school, people only have so much time for him to open up and fall in love

Now that Jimin is playing Yoongi's ball game, will he be able to win him over


Now for the real story, lol

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