[ T H E T R U T H ]

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Don't kill me for this chapter, you guys are gonna be either pissed or very sad

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Don't kill me for this chapter, you guys are gonna be either pissed or very sad


"We should go.." Taehyung trailed off, looking at Jungkook sitting up

When he grabs my sleeves, I grab his hand, grabbing his attention

He looks at me as I shake my head, looking towards Jungkook

"You want to help him?"

I nod, the picture of Jungkook crying was still in my mind. And it broke my heart

"Did you just see what he did to you" Taehyung questions

I sadly nod, but something was wrong with Jungkook, and I don't want to leave him like this

Taehyung sighs, grabbing a first aid kit that the school district left in the every bathroom

Jungkook on the other hand looks thankful, but somehow still angry

"You better not try anything or I'll hit you harder" Taehyung warns

Jungkook chuckles "As long as Jimin does it, I'm fine"

"I swear to god you're bipolar" Taehyung sighs, handing the box to me

I sit down across from Jungkook, getting the things to fix him up

(I don't know how this shit works)

"Feel free to come a little closer" he winks, earning a flick on the head from Taehyung

"Stop acting like a perve you idiot" Taehyung scoffs

"Still don't know why your helping him" Taehyung says

"Because unlike you his mom didn't raise a spoiled bitch" Jungkook says

Taehyung growls at him and flips him off

I roll my eyes and finish helping Jungkook, making sure nothing was noticeable

We stand up, Taehyung by the door

"You done now" we nod, dusting out pants off

"One more thing" Jungkook says, he kisses my cheek "Thank you Jimmie" he grabs his back pack and runs out of the bathroom

Me and Taehyung were shocked to say the least

"So.....I'm gonna go... you wanna come with" Taehyung asks. Awkward tension filling the air

I smile at him, shaking my head, trying to be polite

Taehyung gives me a thumbs up and walks out, leaving me alone

I sigh, picking up my stuff and cleaning it up, only to see that Jungkook left a small bag behind

It was a small, a plastic bag

I know I shouldn't be snooping, but curiosity got the best of me

I open the bag, the word JeonJungkook imprinted on a pill bottle. It was full, not even touched. It had a note

I shouldn't be doing this

I open the white folded piece of paper, words written all over it

Dear Jungkook
Dad just called me, he said that you haven't been taking your pills lately. That when ever he would confront you about it you would get mad. He said that's if you don't start to do it soon he's gonna call them, and he said he won't hesitate. He really doesn't want you to end up like mom, so please, I beg you. Take the pills
Love, your little sister, Lia

My shaky hands put the note down, checking the pill bottle

I almost cry when I read it

Jeon Jungkook:
borderline personality disorder


We were in English class, and I didn't fail to notice Jimin missing

But when the door opened, it revealed nothing but Jeon Jungkook

"Jeon Jun-"

The teacher starts. But then gets cut off

"Yeah yeah, detention I know"

The teacher simply rolls her eyes, going back to the board

Jungkook smiles at me, sitting next to me

"I'm sorry" he whispers, "I had no room to call your mom out"

I sigh, because he has no reason to say sorry

"It was my fault, I should of never...you know" I trailed off

He smiles at me and gives me a slight hug, letting go a few seconds after

I eye him weirdly, he's never 'hugged' me before

"So were good now" I ask

"Of course" he smiles

I nod, still a little weirded out by his sudden mood change, but overall relieved nothing bad happened


Borderline Personality Disorder. A characteristic of this mental illness is sudden, intense shifts in mood -- such as anxious to angry, happy to depressed, or depressed to anxious -- usually without the extreme highs seen in bipolar disorder

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