[ B R O K E N ]

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warning- mentions of abuse, rape, depression, sexual abuse and drugs

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warning- mentions of abuse, rape, depression, sexual abuse and drugs


I was walking straight to hell, and i'm not very excited about it (obviously), when my house comes in view i don't see any car, which is good, better then good

You see, i live with the devil himself, my step brother

And let me tell you a story, a very fucked up one

Me and my parents were a loving family at one point, we would watch movies ever Saturday night, we would have a bomb fire every month, we would always go to the fair, and we would even have food fights from time to time. We would do so much stuff together, that is until i hit age 11

My dad died of cancer, leaving me with my broken mom, who soon became an alcoholic

When i turned 13, i thought things would get better, but no, it didn't. My mom met a horrible guy at the bar, and his name was Dave

We quickly moved in with him so we could get a new start in life, they got married and my mom was happy. My mom even became sober, but sadly, all the alcohol was quickly replaced with abuse

Dave would hit my mom when ever he got the chance, all me and his son could do was watch, we watched my mom get hit and we had to listen to her screams and cry's

Every. Fucking. Night

But one day, the screaming stopped and the crying wittered away, it was silent

I was 14 and my step brother, Chanyeol, was 17, we walked into our parents room to see my mother laying dead on the ground

That night, Dave was arrested and now has to spend life in prison, me and Chanyeol on the other hand had to live on our own, or live parent less

Since Chanyeol was 17, his birthday being a week away at the time, got full custody over me

Before my mom died, we had an ok brotherly relationship, we would talk a little then ignore each other, we never really cared

That is until i was legally his

He started to drink as well, following in his dad foot prints, he would bring random people over and do drugs as they made deals with very bad people. He would sell and buy them and use the money for even more drugs and alcohol

Is was horrible, but what was worse was when i was 15, that's when he started to hit me, sometimes leaving me bleeding on the ground

You're probably thinking, it can't get worse, can it?

Well, it actually can

when i was in my late 15's, almost 16, he and his friends started to notice me

Things i didn't want them to notice

One night, Chanyeol and his two friends, Kai and Bakehyun, told me to strip for them

When i refused to, they forced me to do it, they tore my clothes off and...

And they raped me

That night, my soul left my body, i was numb the rest of the week, they never spoke of it and i don't think they ever will

It's only happened to me two time's after that, Chanyeol would only do it when he was having his really bad days, and lucky for me, he hasn't had one in a while

But i then got depression, i would cut myself and loose a lot of sleep because of it

And as for why i don't talk, that's a story for later

It's sad, you know, everyone at school thinks i'm nothing but a stupid joke and that i just don't care

But if only, if only they knew about me and my life story

Only then would they treat me differently


"Jungkook what the fuck" i say in anger

All of us were at Namjoon's house, we were laughing and having fun, all was going well

Until Taehyung told me something that happened when i wen't home today

Everyone's eyes were on us

Jungkook smirks "Whats wrong hyung" he asks

"What did you do to Jimin" i ask

"Nothing, just told him a little bit about us"

"Jungkook i told you not to" i snap

"Whats wrong, it's not like your in love with him, right?"

"Dumbass" i say "i don't need that kid scared of me every damn time i go to lift my hand up during that stupid fucking project" i say wile rubbing my temples, and it was true. If Jimin becomes even more afraid of me then chances are he will be more quite and shiver when ever i come near him

"Whatever" he said

Ii'm going out, i'll be back soon" i say, needing to get my anger out

"I'm coming with" Namjoon yelled

We got in the car and he turned on the engine "Where to" he asked

"To the tattoo parlor" i said

"Oh god"

"Why did you get that" Namjoon asked

"whats wrong with it, it's small"

"Nothing, it's just..why?"

I look at my arm, seeing the sun tattooed on my wrist

(not so settle foreshadowing)

"I don't really know" i say

"Whatever, lets go back to my house, the others are probably going to want to see that"

I shrug my shoulders, grabbing my coat and walking out the door


Chanyeol wasn't home yet, that was a very good thing, i got a nice shower and some very good food, and i even took a little nap

I was sitting on the couch, watching TV,

Well, that is until i hear the front door open

"PARK FUCKING JIMIN" i heard him yell


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