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hello everyone, i haven't updated in a LONG time, and tbh i actually forgot about wattpad. i only came back to respond to a few messages i got from you guys. anyway, i really want to start updating again, it's just that i'm going through a break up right now that's kind of different from any other breakup. long story short, try to stay away from girls with homophobic parents who also happen to be mormon 😅 they'll end up FORCING her to breakup with you...

also long story short, i'm going to sound like a hoe but i've had two breakups since i last updated....TWO...ALSO PLZ DONT THINK IM A HOE, i've had two relationships in like, 4 years 😅

anyways. as far as this story goes, i have so many ideas for it and so many ideas for other stories. so i will try my hardest to bring an update

also i'm really emotional bc i just watched "Train to Busan" .....needless to say the ending had me sobbing

anyways. i'll try harder for all of you! have a good night!

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