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dear, min yoongi
i have no idea where to start with you, you have made my life so incredibly amazing and i have no idea where i would be with out you, you have mentally showed me so many new things and i am forever going to be great full for it. you opened my eyes as well as my heart and have truly shown me what it's like to live, all though we haven't exactly been dating for the longest time, you are my world, my life, and i want you to remember that. i truly see a future with you, i see one so bright and full of joy, one where we live in a house together, one where me and you can spend the rest of our lives together. it brings me happiness, you are my happiness
you are my serendipity

dear jeon jungkook
hey buddy, to be honest i'm scared, i'm scared you won't wake up, scared that you'll be asleep forever, but all through i AM scared, i know you'll get through this, i know you'll wake up, and when you do wake up, i'll be there to give you the biggest hug, i'll be there to show my support and catch you up on everything you missed, i can't wait to hang out again and most importantly i can't wait to speak with you, to use my real words to you, because i'm ready, i'm ready to open up to you like i have with yoongi, like i'm going to with everybody...
because until the end, you are my very best friend
p.s please take your medicine, if not for you, for me

dear jennie kim
wether you decide to keep your baby or not, i walk support you 100% of the way, as long as you name the baby after me lol, just kidding, but seriously, i will support you through tick and thin and quite honestly i can not wait to see you grow into the baddest bitch you can be and rule the world with you, i can't wait to go on rode trips and stay up all night eating chocolate pancakes lol
you'll always be the one i first talked to, and i will never regret that
you're my badass with a big heart

dear kim taehyung
where do i start with you, you have made my day so many times by making me laugh, you've also saved me more then a few times from jungkook when he wasnt right in the head, and all through you punched me in the stomach because you thought your girlfriend liked me, i will still forever be great full of someone as hilarious and funny as you, take care of jennie, because i just know y'all are getting married
you're a clown, but a cute one :)

dear jung hoseok
we had a very rocky start, i will admit, but the second you decided to grow up and apologize to me, i just knew you had such a big heart, i knew you meant good and i knew that you would never hurt a fly, you really showed me that love can get in the way of anything, good or bad, and you showed me that it's ok to take that extra step when doing something for someone you love
you're brave, jung hoseok, but try to be less scared every once in awhile

dear kim seok jin
you're an absolute blessing, scary as hell but an absolute blessing, you'll forever by the mom i don't have and the chief i need, when me and yoongi have our wedding you're definitely making the cake lol, you told me the best jokes and puns i've ever heard and showed me what caring for someone looks like, and that all though you are one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen, you're also the scariest
you're lovable but crazy, and i love that

dear kim namjoon
although you are one of the most intimidating mother fuckers i've ever seen, you're a teddy bear, and i know you'll treat jin right and i know that someday, you won't break everything you touch lol, you showed me that the physically scariest people are sometimes the sweetest...and nerdiest...no offense lol
namjoon, you're the kindest giant i've ever met, and i admire that

dear lisa manoban
i hated you when we first met, absolutely hated you, and to be honest, i wanted to punch you a few times, but i knew you meant good when you came to me about hyuna, when you came to apologize and tell me you tried to make things right, for fucks sake you even wanted to turn yourself in for me, and i love that about you, you taught me that your past is not your presence or future
you make the dumbest mistakes, but you really make up for them

dear chanyeol
i hated you, and to be honest i still hate you, you did unforgivable stuff to me that i can't forgive or forget, only live on. but you were willing to make a change for me and that's something i'll forever remind myself when i look down on you
you taught me nothing, but you gave me a house and food when you could of kicked me out, and i appreciate that
just that

dear hyuna
fuck you

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