[ S H O R T ]

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I woke up to the the alarm ringing through the room, dreadfully telling me that i need to go to school

I sigh, rubbing my eye's, the sun not making it any better

Today was one of those days everyone has, a day where all i wanted to do was sleep and stay in bed, a calm and relaxing day

But somehow i can never have one

I push the blankets off of me, whining as the cold air hit my exposed thighs, soon hitting everywhere else

Thank god it was Friday, i'm not really up to facing school for 5 days, especially since Jungkook was there

But to be honest, i can't help but wonder why such a beautiful person had such and horrible persona, Jungkook was living proof that a devil and an angel had a kid together, and somehow made it work

Even though 'making it work' wasn't exactly a good thing, he had such an angel like face with such sinful thoughts, such a hansom face ruined, just like that

And no matter how much you hate him, you can't deny his beauty

You just can't

But not just Jungkook, everyone in his little 'gang' was

They all had their own beauty put into words i could never say, let alone think of, and right now, all i can feel is envy


Envy is a word i feel often, and word that i basically feel on a daily basis, something that i cant help but feel

It hurts so much to feel Envy. It feel's as if i'm being eaten alive, as if people just love to make me jealous

But it wouldn't go away, even if i wanted to, because i'm selfish, im a selfish envious person who can't control their damn emotions

Fuck emotions

I look out the window, the sun towering over anything and everything that walks , slowly burning us all

I walk away, taking short and small steps towards the kitchen, wanting to get some breakfast

I look pout the window, seeing that my 'brothers' car wasn't here, and thank god he wasn't

Only god knows what he will do

Slowly walking op stairs, i get on my phone, remembering that i gave Yoongi my number

I slightly smile, remembering how his deep raspy voice would sound when he was talking to me, how he stood up for me when Jungkook was making me uncomfortable

He was sweet, Yoongi. I feel like he's misunderstood in so many ways, and that he deserves so much more then what he's getting

Because in real life, he looked sweet, like a small little turtle

Hard on the outside, soft on the inside

The best moment is when he also stood up form me when my 'friends' tried recording me

Now that felt shitty

But i guess im used to it

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone viberated, so looking down, i get a text

My eye's widened, my cheeks beacoming warm

Yoongi: Hey cutie ;)





I decided to get up a little earlier then usual, taking a shower as well as eating breakfast, but nothing could be more exciting then the fact that i get to see a very pretty boy today

He looked pretty tense last night when i asked him about a drive home, so im planning on maybe asking him about it today

I unknowing smile to myself, somwhat happy that i was an asshole to Jimin.....

That came out wrong, but you get what i'm trying to say

He was so smol and cute, a little mochi just waiting to be cared for, someone that just need's the right people in order to feel happy

Loneliness is a bitch

I take my phone out, scrolling though it

But an idea pops into my head, a very good yet bad idea

"I'll just text him" i say to myself

Going straight to my messages, clocking on the pretty boy's number


Me: Hey cutie ;)


another stupid short chapter, sorry iv'e been sucking ass recently, im still a little depressed about what happened a week ago, thank you for supporting me. I love you

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