[ S N A P P E D ]

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....um. Hi again....

I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in forever. I don't know what got into me....I guess I was feeling lazy? I dunno. All I know is that you guys are the best readers ever

So. To make it up to ya'll , This is an extra juicy chapter

Alsooooo, about the next chapter that is titled "vampire teaser".....

Yeah. You guys get a sneak peek at my new book that I will publish right after this one. It's a yoonminkook 3 way so if you don't like it don't read it

Sorry for all grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes I've been awake for 24 hours now lmao

I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy


"You......Are an idiot

Those words stuck me like a knife, i had never been so scared of four, useless words in my life. The way Jimin said it, the emotions that were in it

When Jimin got up and walked away. I had felt numb, Jimin had talked, Jimin had made a genuine noise that wasn't from laughing or whining. Words that a person would say. And it was to me

"Um...I gotta go. Dad wants me home" I whisper, hoping that they would believe me

"Oh....that's sucks. Maybe you can come over tomorrow...hold on, are you okay? You look spooked" Jennie says, looking away from Taehyung

"I'm fine, just a little surprised with what Lisa did today" I half lie, seeing Jennie frown at me mentioning Lisa's name

"M'kay, be safe" Taehyung answers. A frown on his face

I couldn't help but feel bad for leaving, our group would always have sleep overs on Fridays....there's always next week I guess

I put my shoes on. Walking out the door, scrunching my nose up at the cold. The rain seemed to have died down. Which was a good thing on my part

I see my motorcycle parked in the street, right behind Jennie's car

I slowly walk up to it. Sitting down and talking a deep breath as I start the engine, satisfied when I hear it roar. But overall feeling bad for leaving both Jimin and Hoseok without telling them

"I'll apologize tomorrow. I promise I will" I whisper to myself. Driving away from the mess I had created


"So you have no idea where Yoongi went?" Hoseok says. Sitting on the couch

"All he said was that his dad wants him home- which I doubt considering that he never listens to his dad" Jennie says, huffing

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