[ F U C K I N G A D O R A B L E ]

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Please read a/n at the end

Warning : humor ¿? and SOFT HOURS


An hour had passed, Jimin still hasn't woke up. He moved around a little bit here and there but Yoongi didn't mind, he really didn't care what Jimin did. He was just glad that he was okay

Hoseok on the other hand was burning with envy. Glancing at them every so often. Making sure nobody noticed. The movie was about to end, a full hour of jump scares and screaming coming from the TV set....even though it was Namjoon who did most of the screaming for getting so scared

Either way, Jimin still didn't wake up. He continued to sleep like a baby, snoring a little

The movie had ended, causing Namjoon to let out a sigh of relief

"You big baby" Jin scoffs "It wasn't that scary"

"S-Shut up" Namjoon mutters

Jin rolls his eyes, "I'm making more popcorn" he said, grabbing the now empty bowl

"Can you get us some?" Taehyung  asked, waving his and Jennies popcorn bowl a little

"Get it yourself, I'm not a maid" Jin sasses, turning on his heel and going towards the kitchen

"Rude" Taehyung scoffs

Standing up, Taehyung dust off his pants. getting up and making pop corn for himself

Jugkook as well had fallen asleep, not even making it 10 minutes into the movie

Jimin started to stir a little. Causing Yoongi to look down as fast as he could. Seeing the beautiful angel fluter his eyes open

Opening them fully, Jimins big innocent doe eyes widen.  His cheeks red from embarrassment

He looks around, seeing Jennie, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook. Jin and Tae walking in the living room a few sendings later

"You have awaken" Jin coos

"Jin" Namjoon warns

"What?!" He playfully asked

"You get clingy with cute new people, don't scare him" Namjoon says, Jin nodding

Jimin on the other hand was confused. Very confused


Why was I here. And why the hell was i on Yoognis lap

Not that I'm complaining though

"Jimin, are you okay?" Namjoon ask's

I nod, closing my eyes as my head starts to hurt a little. Taking my sweater paw and rubbing my eyes with them

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