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Cue Twice

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Cue Twice


This is not a drill...THIS IS NOT A FUCKING DRILL


It happened so unexpectedly, one minute he's just sitting there. Then he lets out the cutest little laugh. And now he has his soft face in the crook of my neck

I'm freaking out. He just had the nerve to fucking murder me with his cute 'kitenness'

You know that one scene in that spongebob episode. The one where his mind is freaking out

That's me

But. Playing it cool. I just laugh it off

"Yeah...cute" I hear Hoseok whisper, going unnoticed by everyone else

...what's his deal?

I shake it off, feeling cold when Jimin pulls away

The night then goes on, all of us caught up in our little 'fun time' to not notice anything else

That is until we hear a knock on the door

"Why the fuck are you here"


Everyone gave Jennie a confused look, someone of them getting worried

"I'm here to take him home" the voice says

"Excuse me?" Jennie sasses

"Jennie...who's here?" Taehyung ask's

The man pushes past Jennie. And Jimin swears he can feel his heart drop down to his stomach

Chanyeol walked in the living room, looking right at Jimin

Everyone was confused. They have never seen that man in their life

"Who the hell are you?" Jungkook asks

"Jimins brother" Chanyeol says through gritted teeth "Jimin missed his curfew, which means that we're going home now"

Jimin knew then and there that Chanyeol was pissed, his face was red and his hands were clenched into fist

"Look, Jimin is-"

"Is coming with me" Chanyeol cuts Namjoon off

"Look, we didn't mean to cause any trouble. We were all just hanging out" Yoongi reasons "We didn't know he had a curfew"

Chanyeol looks from Jimin to Yoongi, clenching his jaw "And you are?" He asks


Chanyeol smirks, nodding his head "So your the one that was in Jiminies phone"

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