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Guess who just wrote a short chapterMe!But seriously, i wrote 455 words

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Guess who just wrote a short chapter

But seriously, i wrote 455 words........Anyway, i have a question to ask at the end
PLEASE answer it


Everyone went silent, wanting to see what Jungkook's next move was gonna be

Jungkook grits his teeth, eye twitching, balling his hands into fist, but when looks behind Yoongi his eye's soften, hand going back to normal

"I'm to good for this shit" Jungkook mumbles, yet loud enough for everyone to hear

Everyone was shocked to say the least, Jungkook had never backed out of a fight

He walked away, mumbling words only the devil could imagine 

The bell rang and people started to clear up, making way to their class rooms

"What the fuck was that" Jin said, all of them walking towards Yoongi

"I don't really know" Yoongi said

"Why did Jungkook back out...."

"What do you say" Jungkook asked, hope filling his voice

Jimin bit his lip, deciding whether or not to take Jungkooks offer

Jimin sighed, un knowingly running his hands through his hair

"Please Jimin, i'm sorry for being an asshole, i'll do anything you want, anything"

Jimin sighed again, taking out a piece of paper, as well as a pencil, beginning  to write 

Jungkook bounced his leg, eager for the answer, hitting it against the table a few times

Jimin finished writing, handing the paper to Jungkook, making sure it doesn't rip

Jungkook looked down, reading everything Jimin had wrote

' I'll help you, but you have to follow these rules...
No doing any drugs/weed/etc
No detentions or suspensions
No fighting
Don't question me
Don't touch me
We only practice at the park or library
And you will not hurt me in any way '

Jungkook finished reading, looking up at Jimin

"Your fucking kidding me, right" Jungkook asked

Jimin shook his head, wearing a determined look on his face

Jungkook sighed



I roamed the halls, walking towards the lunch

I stop, hearing a bang in the lunchroom, a lot of 'ohhhs' after word

I walk through the doors, seeing a crowd of people gathering in and area

"You mother fucker" i hear Jungkook growl


"Do it kook, i fucking dare you"


I start to walk through the people, them being to busy with the scene in front of them to ever notice me

I get into clear view, standing with the people in the crowd, all of them desperately trying to stay quite, all of them wanting a fight to start

Jungkook looks over Yoongis shoulder, looking at me, his features soften. Making him look like a cute and small bunny

I put my saddest face on, visibly making Jungkook feel guilty, almost making me feel bad for using this against him

"I'm to good for this shit" he mumbles, loud enough for everyone to hear

He walks away, whispering things under his mouth


♡ ゚ · * ..: * · ♡ · *: .. *: · ゚ ♡ ゚ · * ..: * · ♡ · *: .. *: ゚







Should i keep this as Yoonmin or change it to Jikook?





....I'm down for a poly relationship 

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