[ S T O P ]

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"Detention after school, 3 hours, for the next two days" the principal, Mr.Kim said

I roll my eyes in response and walk out of the office without another word

"Yoongi, come back here" he yelled

"Fuck this shit" i mumble to myself

I walk down the hall a turn into a room, a room that leads to the roof. I open a door and walk up to the roof top, it's actually not that bad, i mean, this roof top is better then my bed room

I pull out a cigarette, or what my friend Jin call's 'a cancer stick', i sit down on the ground and look at my surroundings. You may not believe me when i say this but, i'm a really good observer, it doesn't take me long to realize what shit's going on

And from the roof top, i can see a lot of shit going on

A boy and a girl heavily making out under a cherry tree, no love, just lust, both not slowing down as they swallow each other

Two teachers talking about science over by the benches, both obviously have a crush on one another, the slight blushes and little touches making them embarrassed

Three cheerleaders flirting with a group of guys, the way they bat their eye's and twirl their hair, not to mention the sneaky lip bites

Five fake friends standing by a car, the secret glares they give each other and the small whispering to one another

The little things are what matter, the eyes, mouth, hands, and body poster. People always pay attention to the words that come out off peoples mouth, i pay attention to everything but the words

People never notice whats going on with people, but with me it's different, know one really cares about how other people see life, but i do

Some people see rainbows and some see rain, they think this world is big and beautiful and just full of life. While others see something else. They see something horrid, they see a big and dreadful ball of life just waiting to end

But, I think the world is both, the most beautifully  fucked up thing that could exist

I can easily see if people are dead inside or not as well, the eye's tell all, it doesn't matter if their smiling or laughing, you can't get passed me

"Time to face reality" i mumble to myself

I stand up while wiping the dirt off of me and walking to the door. Taking one last inhale of the cancer stick, i put it out and start to head to the lunch room

I walk to my table and sit down to see all my friends looking at me

"What the freak did we tell you about swearing at teachers" Jin, a.k.a the mom of the group, sasses

"Sorry" i mumbled

If there's anything i learned, it's not to disrespect Jin, he will rip you to shreds

"Calm down babe" Namjoon said, rubbing Jin's back


"What exactly did you say to the teacher" Jennie, Taehyung's girlfriend, asked

"All i did was tell them to fu-"

"Yoongi, no swearing" Jin said, cutting me off

I just roll my eyes and nod

Jin never swears, unless he's angry of course, and let's just say that if you make him angry, then you've royalty fucked up

Everyone started to talk to one another and i just took out my phone to text some old friends of mine

Out of the corner of my eye, i see a boy, a short boy staring at me. I kept looking at my phone and continued to ignore it, but the kid wouldn't stop

But i kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye, seeing that he was sitting alone

He was drop dead beautiful, how and why was he by himself

When he finally looks away, he decided to look down, you could tell he was in deep thought

I wanted to talk to him, i wanted to grab his attention

Because he was the most beautiful angel i've ever seen, but at the same time, i can't ruin my 'reputation'

I slam my phone down, grabbing everyone's attention

They all look at me, a bit scared and a bit curious

"Don't look at him, but the boy behind wouldn't stop staring at me"

Everyone sneakily looked at the boy, none of them seemed to know him, Jennie on the other hand looked like she did

"I'm gonna talk to him" i tell them, standing up as i start to walk

"Wait" Jennie says "I wouldn't do that if i were you, you'll get even more pissed" she says

"I'll take my chances, this boy needs to learn not to stare"

...I know, i made up the lamest excuse, but anything to talk to him? Amirite

"You don't understand, he cant t-"

I walk away

I walk to where the boy is sitting and slide the chair out from under the table

He look's up at me shocked, as if i just started world war 3

I don't see any reason to get pissed at this boy, he doesn't look annoying and he doesn't look like he's about to throw hands, he's cute

I sit across from him, he looks everywhere but my eyes

He finally settles into looking at my nose, good enough

"So.." i started "Why the fuck where you staring at me" i ask, getting straight to the point

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