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People are getting mad because I'm adding some Jikook fluffI deadass put in the first chapter titled 'Baby' that there was going to be just a lil Jikook

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People are getting mad because I'm adding some Jikook fluff
I deadass put in the first chapter titled 'Baby' that there was going to be just a lil Jikook. But it will end with Yoonmin. So if you don't like Jikook, sorry

Also, I deadass have been writing non stop for
Three books I haven't released yet
Two of the books I'm working on now
And one special chapter for one special reader lol

Low-key proud of myself


"Wrong move Park"










If Taehyung isn't going to kill me then Jungkook will

"Look Jimin, you can't just slap me like that. It's not nice" Jungkook says

I was terrified right now. If he's anything like Chanyeol then there's no way I will survive this

I back into the wall. Shaking as I put my head back

"So shouldn't you do something in return" he smiles

My breath starts shortening, my chest starting to hurt as I put my hand up to it. Feeling my heart beating

I drop my things and sit down

I look up and meet Jungkook eyes, which seem to be full of panic. His face looking scared

I start to sweat. My face becoming red as I try to breathe. My body shaking as I try to catch my breath. But I wasn't succeeding

"O-oh god Jimin, are you okay" Jungkook says. Crouching down at my level

"C-can't br-ea" I try to choke out, tears starting to come down

"Do-do you need the nurse" he asks

I didn't really know, but even though I didn't answer, Jungkook walks to the other side of the room, then charges at the door with his shoulder, it didn't open but that just caused Jungkook to do it again. Over and over again. Until the door finally starts to open up

The lock breaks and Jungkook swings the door, open, picking me up bridal style

I weakly wrap my arms around his neck. Pulling close as I try to catch my breath. My throat feeling tight

He starts running towards the nurses office. Holding me tightly as I kept squirming in his arms

I mentally thank god that no one's around

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