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Is today a good day to die?
I don't know why, but i always find myself asking that question
Like i could end it all right now, i don't think people realize how fast you can take your own life, like, anyone could do it, and no one seems to care. For all you know, someone you love could end it all, Just. Like. That
I'm currently sitting on the beach, waiting for school to start, enjoying the sound of the waves, but getting annoyed by the stupid fucking seagulls
But overall, the beach calms me down, i don't know why, but ever since i was little, when ever i wen't to the beach, it's as if something is drugging me into a thinking state
Maybe it's the sound of the waves crashing against each other, or the strong smell of salt and water filling the air
It was always so relaxing for me, i always come here before school, just to clear my head before i start my boring day
Speaking of school
I look down at my phone to see that it's already 7:30 and school starts at 8:15
(A/N i'm going by my school hours)
I stand up while grabbing my backpack and slipping on my sock's and shoes, missing the sand as soon as i loose contact
I begin my walk by putting my ear buds in and listening to a song called "Caught In A Lie"
It's a very nice song
(A/N ^^ agreed)
I see my bus stop and walk up to the benches, as i sit down i start thinking about the same damn question
Is today a good day to die?
"Wake up you little shit" i hear my dad say
"Good morning to you to dad" i say, sarcastically and a little grumpy
"It's 7:30, now start getting ready" he told me, and with that he walked out of my room
"Ffor fucks sake" i mumble under my breath
I take a quick shower and get dressed, nothing to much, nothing to little
My clothes consisted of black ripped jeans, a black sweat shirt and converse
I look at the clock and see that it's 8:00
I text my friend Namjoon to come and give me a ride to school, because long story short. I pissed of a very drunk 30 year old guy and he took a baseball bat to my motorcycle
5 minutes later i hear honking out side signaling that he's here
"Bye Yoongi" my dad yells to me
I don't reply and just start walking straight towards to door
"One more thing" my dad yells
"What" i asked annoyed
"Cover those up" my dad say's, pointing towards my arm with my rolled up sleeve
"Nope" i say, popping the p
Before i let my dad reply i walk out the door, slemming it shut
"You look like shit" Namjoon sayid as i get into the car
"Well hello to you to" i say while rolling my eye's for the hundredth time
He chuckles, starting the engine and driving to school
As we drive, i wonder why my dad was getting mad at me for keeping my sleeves up?
They're just tattoos
I was sitting in the class room 10 minutes before class actually started (as always) reading a book i got about a week ago
My reading time comes to an end when i hear giggling coming to the class room
Why today
Three girls walk in and it looks as if they're trying to be as loud as possible
I look up and reorganize the girls as soon as they walk in
One's Lisa
Another's Rose
And the last is Jisoo
They're the head cheerleaders here, and probably the worst girls you will ever meet, except for maybe Jisoo
"Hi Jimin" Lisa said while smirking "Watcha reading there" she added on
I looked up at her then back down to my book
"It's not nice to ignore a kind and beautiful woman" Rose growled
Lisa was about to add on, but Jisoo stopped her
"Let's just leave already, that freaks never going to talk anyway"
And with that, she grabbed the girl's and they all walked out of class
Thank god
Those girls are complete assholes, i can feel it, and well, you can just see it
Let me tell you something, every since i was little, I've always been able to tell if a person's a good person or not
Rather it's their posture, voice, body, and just the way they talk, i can always tell if someones a generally good person or not
My mom said it's a gift from god
I say it's bullshit
Because of my 'ability' i haven't really made any friends, like, I haven't met any one in this school that's generally a nice person or not. Plus i would rather stay away from getting hurt by a 'friend' then getting played and back stabbed
So, fml
The bell rung and the kid's started to pile in to the class room, one by one they sat, all talking about their rich and fancy homes
And i just keep my head down and wait for class to begin