[ S T R A N G E ]

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The whole school is separated

And as cliche as it sounds, it's true

The gossipers

The trouble makers

The popular's

The football boys



Mean girls

Band players

The school was huge, but somehow, everybody knows everybody, everyone has their own little special group

But then....there's Jimin

Through out the school Jimin was known as "strange"

He would always get A's and would never talk in class, let alone in school

There have been many rumors about Jimin

Maybe he's mute


A Freak

Maybe even deaf

No one in the school has EVER talked to Jimin

He has no friends and no one from his family has ever gone to his school

He was never bullied and no one even made fun of him, and there's a reason

Even though he's strange, no one in the whole school can doubt his beauty

Jimin was beautiful, his smooth milky skin, sharp jawline, and deep brown eye's would capture everyone's attention

As if he were a sculpture

People say that if Jimin talk's to you then your considered a very special person to him, even if you were a stranger, Jimin will know right away if you good for him or not

Jimin's like a detector, he can detect if your a toxic person or not

People have tried to talk to Jimin, but all he did was keep his head down while listening to music

No one ever see's Jimin smile, as if he were a painting, if you see Jimin smile, your lucky

If your the one that made him smile, then your a miracle

Jimin always sit's alone at lunch, eating the same thing everyday

A pb&j with a cup of milk along with a blueberry muffin, every single day

Some people say he's special, while everyone else think's he's strange

No one knows what's wrong with Jimin, and now that Jimin has one more year left of school, there's only one year to break him

No one know's who it will be

But when Yoongi enters the picture, it's a whole different ball game


My chapters aren't always this short, i'm just going over the back round of the two main characters

Jimin and Yoongi

Anyway's thank you for reading, vote and comment plz

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