[ D O N T J U D G E A P E R S O N ]

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The rest of the day Jennie and Jimin were laughing as if they were gonna die. Their laughter filling Jimins room, sometimes even the whole house

"Your not serious," Jimin said, giggling

"I swear to god I am"

Needless to say, Jimin found out some very shocking things about Jennie's friend group

A LOT of things

Though Namjoon looks and acts like a bad boy, he's actually a huge nerd, he has an IQ of 148.

Taehyung, as funny as it sounds, use to wet the bed until he was 10

'Poor baby' Jimin thought

Jin is an amazing cook apparently. Jennie explained "his food taste like heaven dancing on your tongue"

And Jungkook, Jimin sadly learned that his mother had passed away, Jungkook had explained that she died from a mental illness, but he never said what illness

While for Yoongi, his mom left him, or that's how Jennie explained it "Yoongi never talks about his mom, the only reason we know is because he was drunk, he told us that she left. He didn't tell why though"

So, Jimin had learned some very interesting things, Jennie felt a huge kind of trust in Jimin, a trust that she's only ever felt with Taehyung

The day had passed, Jennie and Jimin spent the whole day talking away. And Jennie was glad to hear Jimins voice. Though she came to learn that Jimin stutters a little when he talks. It's not a heavy stutter, but a small one. Something that his anxiety has built up over the years. The only times he doesn't stutter is when he's mad or just not talking in general

Jimin as well was happier, he felt like he had a real friend to talk to. Though he hated himself for stuttering. As well as talking in the first place. Jimin learned that it wasn't bad. It really wasn't. Though he was mad at himself for letting his guard down so easily. He was kind of happy he did 

"Jimin" Jennie sighs "My mom just texted. She wants me home..." Jennie trailed off


"Jimin" Jennie sighs "My mom just texted. She wants me home..." Jennie trailed off

My smile dropped, she needed to leave

'of course you idiot, she can't live with you'

"O-oh, my brother will drive you," I said, forcing a smile on my face

"Jimin...I don't think I can leave, knowing what's going on..."

"It's f-fine Jennie, just a few more m-months and i'm e-eighteen, then maybe I can leave" I smile, holding her hands in mine

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