[ I F A L L A P A R T ]

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Pulchritudinous - (adj

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Pulchritudinous - (adj.) breathing. heartbreaking beauty.

The song that's playing kind of represents what Hoseok and Jimin are feeling in the chapter....minus the cheesy relationship stuff

Read authors note at end. please


After Ji Wo said that, both Hoseok and her stopped talking, the room filling up with a comfortable silence, both of them wondering off in their little day dreams. Thinking about the people they loved the most

That is until after a few minutes, Hoseok and Ji Wo started talking again... for another 20 minutes, both of them getting more annoyed by the minutes that passed, why were there parents so late?

Good news, their mom finally showed up

"I'm back, did you guys eat anything?" Their mom asked, sitting down at the table

They both shook their heads, Ji Wo playing with her hands, nervously biting her lip

"So when is dad going to get-" she gets cut off, the front door closing. The sound echoing throughout the house

"....Nevermind" Ji Wo nervously smiled

Hoseok and Ji Wo look towards their left, seeing their dad walk in. A tired look on his face

"Hey honey..." he trails off, taking off his jacket. Sighing as he rubs his eyes

Mrs.Jung was about to say something but Ji Wo beat her to it

"Hey dad...we waited for you" she smiled, resting her chin on the palm of her hand

"Ji Wo.." he smiles, opening his arms up "It been to long"

She stands up and walks over to him, getting squished in his bone crushing hug

"I've missed you so much" she muffled, casing her mom to giggle

They break apart, Ji Wo going back to her seat

"So...you guys made dinner?..." he asked

"We waited for you...like always" Hoseok mumbled. Sipping his tea

"Hoseok...please don't" Ji Wo whispered

Hoseok sighed, agreeing for his sister, and only his sister

"Anyways...let's eat" Mrs.Jung smiles

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