[ N O M O R E F R I E N D S ]

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Jimin had just left the bathroom, leaving me in total shock

We. Almost. Kissed

We were so close. So fucking close, and then it happened

The damn bell

The only thing I got was a cute little blushing Jimin and a flustered me

I rub my temples, taking a deep breath

"Great fucking job" I mutter to no one in particular

I walk out of the restroom, still having a little bit of redness on my face

"Oh Yoongi!" I hear someone yell

I turn and see Hoseok running towards me, a big smile on his face

"Hey Hose-"

"Lisa asked me out" he cuts me off, a huge smile forming on his face

I stand in shock. Lisa....and Hoseok?

Since when did she ever like him?

"Are you serious?" I ask

"Yeah, she told me she's liked me for some time now, and would like to go on a date" he says, jumping excitedly

"Hoseok....." I start

He looks at me, his smile not falling

"Dont you think it's a little out of the bl-"

I was cut off yet again by his phone, his ringtone going off

"Hold that thought..." he looks at his phone, chuckling "That's her right now" he says

I sigh, nodding

"I'll see you tomorrow" he says. Picking up his phone and walking away

"Somethings not right here..."


Jimin was walking home, still angry from what those strangers said about them

"Fuck them" he mumbled under his breath

Jimin was walking so fast that he didn't even realize he was about to pass his house, only stopping at the end of the street

"Goddamnit" he huffs

Turning and walking back to his house, he notices that his car is here

"Well fuck me why don't ya" he sarcastically says. Looking at the sky

Jimin for some reason was in a very bad mood. More then he usually was, about everything

That stupid bell, those stupid people, Jungkooks shit, and now his so called step brother is gonna give him a special welcome home?

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 / 𝐩𝐣𝐦 + 𝐦𝐲𝐠 Where stories live. Discover now