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Read my new book cowards
Seriously tho, my book 'Doll Face' got deleted, so for anyone who had my book in their library. I suggest you go and read it again, Bc it won't be there anymore lol
But I republished it. So it's all good
Support your lazy ass hardworking girl 👏
After Jungkook said that, I was quiet, an awkward silence taking over
It's a horrible thing, when a loved one dies, I understand that everyone dies. But when someone's chooses to leave you, it's a very sad feeling
Like, Jungkookprobably didn't even see it coming, not many people see something like that coming
So...what if I died today?
"Anyways..." he trails off, "Is that a yes to helping me?" He asks
I quickly nod, picking up my books. "Good" he mumbles, turning around and walking away
"I'm sorry" I mumble, only loud enough for me to hear
"Yoongi. Wait!"
Yoongi stops walking, turning to look at Hoseok
"What do you want?" He ask's, his voice dull
Hoseok catches up to him, both of them now walking normally. "Are you okay Yoon?" Hoseok ask's, already knowing the answer
"M'fine" Yoongi answered. Walking faster
"No you're not. What's wron-"
"Do you like Jimin?" Yoongi asks, "Or like, do you know anybody else who would like Jimin?" Yoongi asks
"Uh- no, I wouldn't" he nervously smiles
"Sup hoes" they turn and see Lisa walking towards them, an evil smile on her face,
"What about you Lisa, do you know anyone who has a crush on Jimin?" He asks
Lisa smirks at Hoseok, making him instantly get a worried look
"No I don't" she says, "But I know who he has a crush on"
"Who?" Yoongi says a little to quickly
'Oh shit'
"Jungkook" she says
Hoseoks eyes go wide, 'this was not apart of the plan' he thinks
Yoongis eyes go dark hooded, his face turning red
"What?" He says, an angered frown on his face
"Yeah, you can totally see it when Jimin looks at him, I mean like. They were walking together that one time we were on our way to the park. And they were also together just a few minutes ago by Jimins locker"