[ T H E T R U T H ]

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Sorry for being so lazy lately I'm being such a pathetic author oml

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Sorry for being so lazy lately I'm being such a pathetic author oml. Anyways, I double updates this book and my other book. So enjoy reading

Also, Hoseok stans, im so sorry for what i did to our poor baby 

~small lil' flashback~


"Lisa, I'm not kidding, what me and you tried to do to Jimin wasn't cool..." Hoseok said, running his hands through his hair

Lisa rolls her eyes and scoffs "Calm the hell down Hoseok, it's not like we tried to murder him or anything"

Hoseok sighs and sits on the ground, Lisa looking at him with a guilty look

She sits next to him, crossing her legs "Sorry Hobi, didn't know it meant that much to you, I'm just doing what the other girls told me to" she says, frowning

"It's ok, it wasn't your fault" he says, looking at her with sad eyes  "It's just that....Yoongi seemed really upset" he continues, catching Lisa's attention immediately

"Do you like Yoongi" she blurts out, not even thinking

Hoseok goes red faced, putting his face in his cheeks

"Y-yes" he stutters "But he obviously has a thing for Jimin, a-and-"

"Shut up Hoseok" she sighs "We can make Yoongi like you, it will just take some work"

Hoseok shakes his head, huffing  "It's no use, Lisa, he wouldn't care" Hoseok sighs, laying down in the grass

"Don't think like that Hobi, things could change...." she trails off

"No they won't, I know that for fact, we have been friends for years and he's never once thought of me the way I think of him"

"Come on Hoseok, don't think like that, how much you wanna bet that he's thinking about you right now" Lisa reassures, giving him a small smile

"Lisa just drop it, I don't know why you think that he would ever like me the way that I like him, sometimes you just got a deal with the fact that he's not going to have a crush on me the way I have a crush on him" Hoseok continues "And though it's not the best thing in the world, I have to deal with it"

Hoseok starts tearing up, biting his lip in the process

"I'm sorry Hoseok, I really am...but maybe, just maybe, it's doesn't have to be like that" Lisa smirks

The sad boy looks at her with wide eyes, giving Lisa an unsure look

"What do you mean" he asks

"What if you pretend to be my boyfriend, start ignoring Yoongi, get him jealous you know? Maybe he'll see what he's really missing" she smirks

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