[ F U C K E D U P ]

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Warning: this is by far the most uncomfortable/disgusting thing I have ever wrote (in my opinion)Some of you have read worse, some of you haven't

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Warning: this is by far the most uncomfortable/disgusting thing I have ever wrote (in my opinion)
Some of you have read worse, some of you haven't. And I know some stuff in this book are worse then this. But this disgusted me so much as I wrote it. I do not support ANYTHING Lisa says or does in this chapter. Jimin is my bby and I will hurt anyone who hurts him

Also, guess who got started on the vampire au of Yoonminkook 😏

Also, long paragraphs ahead

Word count : 3,363


It had been an hour since Jimin and Lisa had gotten to her house, both of them sitting in her bedroom as the movie played on the tv screen

It was a comedy, and Jimin couldn't help but smile every time Lisa let out a sweet laugh. He felt a little more easier

They continued to watch another two movies, and by that time, it was at least 7:30 by now. Which meant that Jimin was probably going to go home soon

Or so he thought


We finished watching the last movie, it was pretty good to say the least

The credits were rolling, Lisa had went to the bathroom, and since it was rude to leave un noticed, I decided to wait for her so I could wave good bye

"I'm back" she smiles, closing her door and making her way to the bed

"So, do you want to watch another or...?" She asks

I smile while shaking me head, pointing at the clock she had on her night stand

I go to get up, but she grabs my arm and pulls me back down next to her

"We should talk more...get to know each other" she says, putting her hand on my thigh

My eyes widen, the feeling in my gut coming back

"I was wondering...maybe me and you can just talk about stuff...it would be fun. We can learn more about each other" she smiles

I gulp, slowly shaking my head. But she just frowned in return

"Say, Jimin, are you and Jungkook dating?" She asks, scooting closer to me

I shake my head, getting uncomfortable

Goddamnit Jimin, just get up and walk away-

"Jimin...it's important to talk to people, you need to be able to communicate and let people know what you want and what you don't want. A lot of people will get the wrong idea and if you don't share what you have to say, bad things will happen"

She's crazy, that's it, she's lost it

I glare at her, and she catches it, and she was not having it

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