[ W A R M I N G U P T O Y O U ]

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btw i'm making Jungkook the bad guy

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btw i'm making Jungkook the bad guy..sorry


I was pretty lifeless at school today, today was one of those days

Basically the days where i really didn't even care about anything, not classes, not teachers, not people, and most defiantly not rumors

I was sitting in the criteria, staring at my food. Wondering what it would be like if my parent's didn't die

Would i'd have friends, maybe be on the dance team. Maybe i would even be in a relationship

Maybe i would be ok

When i was a kid, i always thought about how my future would go. I planned it all out, i would pass school and go to a dance academy, get a job and eventually settle down

But now, i don't think that's possible

Chanyeol would never let me leave and he would also disapprove of the dancing

So i'm basically stuck in hell forever

The day was slow, to slow for my liking, i was starving, and watching people eat snacks in class wasn't helping, and now that i'm at lunch. I don't have the appetite to eat

So sense i wasn't doing anything, i was thinking..

Is today a good day to die?


"Fuck off" i growl

"Just let me steal one fucking french fry you asshole" Taehyung snapped

We were all in the lunch room, talking, sitting, and just doing what we usually do

Until that bitch Taehyung tried to steal my food

"Just give it up" Jin groaned

Taehyung scoffed "Whatever"

I look around the lunch room, stopping when i see a familiar brown head of hair

*Sigh* ... I forgot about the project

Standing up, i wave the others off

"Where are you going" Jungkook ask's


I walk up to the table, sitting down as i tap my fingers on the hard surface

Jimin look's up and and tilts his head

"We need to work on the project" i say

He nods his head and looks down again

I put my head on the table and groan, his attention snapping towards me

"Are you mute" i ask

He shakes his head

"Do you not know how to talk"

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