[ C O N F E S S I O N ]

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For the 10 people who messaged me asking if 'it was true' about my bio Yes, I really am 13 Have I lied about my age? Yes Do I care? No

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For the 10 people who messaged me asking if
'it was true' about my bio
Yes, I really am 13
Have I lied about my age? Yes
Do I care? No


It's official, Park Jimin was a dead man

Kim Taehyung has him up against a locker, hands holding Jimin up by his collar

"Look Jimin....I really like you. You're a cool kid. But I heard from a little birdy that you spent the whole day with my girlfriend, that true?"

Jimin couldn't lie, he just couldn't. So sighing, he nodded

Taehyung huffs, closing his eyes

"Why?" Taehyung ask's, not putting Jimin down

Jimin keeps silent, his breathing becoming un even

"Jimin, please" Taehyung says, his voice becoming 3x deeper

"Taehyung, what the actual fuck"

Me and Taehyung turn to Jennie glaring at him, her face red

"What?" He asks

"What are you doing with Jimin" she snaps

"Your asking me that?" He asks In disbelief "What were you doing at his house yesterday"

Jennie's face softens, causing her to sigh

"You remember my brother right?" She asks

"I remember him threatening me about dating you. What does this have to do with him?" Taehyung asks

"Jimin has a step brother as well, Sehun and him are friends. He brought me to hang out yesterday. We both skipped school and work" Jennie finished, half lying. Half telling the truth

Taehyung turns and looks at Jimin with guilty eyes, biting his lip

"I'm sorry..." he trailed off, putting Jimin down and hugging him

Jimin was shocked, but hugged Taehyung back anyway. Patting his back, signaling that it was ok

The bell had rang a while ago, Jennie, Taehyung and Jimin being the only ones in the hallway

Or so he thought

Jimin turns his head to see Yoongi and Namjoon in the halls, walking towards them

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