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I just like that song lol

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I just like that song lol...and I guess is has something to do with yoongi and jimin...just listen to it while reading. It's so good. Please 🥺💕

Here's something y'all might want to know, pay attention to words that are in italic, some of those could be hinting at the future....and by some I mean only one in THIS chapter lol...y'all will know it when you see it ;)

Jennie is 17 years old. Remember that


The whole room had gone quiet, the Park Jimin had just talked, not talked, but screamed at the Lisa Manoban

Jimin was taking deep breaths, glaring at Lisa, giving her a look that could kill, it made her genuinely scared and embarrassed, she wanted Jimin to talk to her. Not scream at her infront of the whole class

Jimin looked around the classroom, seeing all his classmates staring at him, eyes wide. Some of them chuckling at the outburst the poor boy just had

He felt tears welling up in his big doe eyes once again, turning back to look at the girl who caused this, the girl who assaulted him, the girl who has made all of his friends feel like shit, the girl who lied to him, and has done god knows what else

"Just please Lisa..." he chokes, letting out a cry, "leave me alone" And with that, the poor boy leaves the classroom, not even bothering to grab his books. Just walking away from all the judgemental stares those people gave him

He speed walked down the hall, glad that no one was in the hallway. Granted classes were just starting, he felt relieved that no one could see him so sad and broken

Jimin felt more tears start to fall, but he just wiped them away and continued his way to the exit. Not looking back once

He was taking the day off today


Needless to say, Yoongi didn't sleep well that night, after Hoseok left. He had laid in bed and thought about the pain that he had caused without even realizing it. Yoongi never realized that Hoseok had liked him for so long. So much that he was willing to let Yoongi go for the sake of his happiness

However, What Hoseok said did make the pale boy sad. He loved that seesaw and he never realized what that rusty old thing would lead up to. He never realized that Hoseok had gone so long being un-happy because Yoongis was to dumb to notice the slight blushes and little touches that were always going on. He felt stupid, completely, utterly stupid

He also felt selfish, he use to be so caught up in himself. His dad, his mom, and his overall attitude. He always felt like he had the worst of it. And that no one truly understood how he felt. That maybe if they were in his shoes they would realize that he's not over reacting...But when Jimin came along, he realized that he didn't have some of the worst. If anything, he had the best. He had food on the table, a hard working father, a bed to sleep in, and a roof over his head. Jimin has replaced the cold stone in his heart and opened his eyes, and so had Hoseok. Seeing that there will always be someone who had it worse. Fuck, it makes him sick knowing that there are homeless people on the street, kids who are physically and emotionally abused, kids who don't even have parents, let alone one. It made him sick knowing that he was such a self centered prick to realize that kids go through way worse things during the day then Yoongi goes through in a whole year

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