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It was now morning. 7:00 am to be exact. And Jimin was just sitting on the beach. His arms wrapped around his legs. His ass numb by now

He's been there since 5:30 am

Jimin. Needless to say. Was in a shitty mood. He didn't get home until 1. Thats when his brother texted him that it was 'safe' to come home

So, Jimin had to walk in the rain at 1am. The wind blowing against him. Nothing but a light sweater and black jeans on. Drenched in water. His shoes like a river

On top of that. His house doesnt have heating. So as soon as he got home. He was so much colder then when he was outside

Therefore. He wasn't able to get to bed until 2:30. Trying to get warm under the pile of blankets.

So. Jimin woke up at 4:30. Not able to get back to sleep. So. Deciding to be sleep deprived. He got a shower. Got dressed, then went to the beach

Yeah. Not a good night

So. Needless to say. Jimin wasn't putting up with any shit today. He's going to say it like it fucking is....which translates to totally ignoring everyone and sleeping in class

The ocean was surprisingly beautiful today. Maybe it was the pink and red of the sun rise. Or maybe the fact that Jimin felt like he was high. But it was just so...beautiful

Jimins mind couldn't help but think of the night before. What Hoseok had told him. He didn't want to stay away from Yoongi. He really didn't want to. But Hoseok genuinely looked broken over it

And it's true. All of it is

Hoseok liked Yoongi far longer then Jimin did. And though Jimin didn't want to admit it - at all - Hoseok deserves him more then Jimin. And It's not like Jimin would let go of that fact that he liked Yoongi that easy. No. But if sometime in the future. If Yoongi would end up liking Hoseok the same way Hoseok liked Yoongi. Then it would all work out

And Jimin would try not to care  

He sighs, getting up and walking towards the bus stop. His body weak. Him bones feeling weightless

It was horrible

Jimin sat down on the train. Putting his head phones in. Playing "Ocean Eyes" by Billie Eilish

( don't judge )


I stared out the window. Enjoying all the trees and objects that I was passing. Feeling like a weirdo when the bus would stop and I would look at all the other people

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