[ C R U S H ]

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It was starting to get dark as i walked home, i decided to take the long way so Yoongi didn't at least get a hint about where i lived

The only thing that was heard was my breathing and my feet stepping on the side walk. The wind moving the trees every now and then

I stop, noticing that i almost passed my house

I walk up to the door, peeking in the window to see my 'brother' watching tv 

"I'm so dead" i mutter

I walk in the house, the smell of weed and alcohol hitting me like a train

"Where the fuck have you been" he says in a 'im calm but pissed' voice

"I-i was w-with some f-frie-"

"You don't have friends" he says "You don't decide weather you have friends or not"

He stood up, slowly walking towards me, causing me to back up into the wall

Once he's close enough, he traps me, putting both arms on each side of my head

Bringing his head closer, he settles right next to my ear, swiftly putting his hand around my waist

"I'm the only person you need" he whispers

I feel tears falling down my face, bottom lip trembling

Knowing that i'm trapped with a monster like him kills me, it really does

Mentally and Physically

He looks at me, wiping my tears

"Quit being a little bitch and clean this house up, i have real friends coming over in an hour" he snaps

I quickly nod, getting out some cleaning supplies and gloves


The ride home was nothing special, i couldn't get my mind off of Jimin or was my 'friends' were gonna do

When i get home, i notice the car was gone

"Another fucking business trip" i sigh

I walk into my fairly big house, only to be welcomed by a not so happy crowd of 'friends'

I glare at them

"What the fuck do you want and how the hell did you get in my house" i scowl

"You gave Namjoon a spare key" Jungkook said in a 'duh' voice

"I swear to god, we had no idea Lisa was going to do that" Taehyung said

"Like i believe you" i growl

"Come on Yoongi, you know i like the kid, i wouldn't do that" Jennie whined

I roll my eyes, taking my shoes off and plopping on the couch

"I'm your best friend dude, if they were lying i would tell you" Namjoon spoke, crossing his arms

I sigh, because sadly, it was true

"Where's Lisa" i ask

"With her other sluts" Jennie mumbles

"I'm sorry" Hoseok said "I really didn't wanna do that to Jimin, but love sucks"

"It's ok i guess, i just don't wanna see Lisa again, she's such a dramatic bitch"

"Yeah, Hoseok, why do you like her so much" Taehyung questions

I laugh a little, remembering the time Hoseok found out he had a 'crush' on Lisa

Which turned out to be love

So it wasn't a surprise when i found out Hoesok helped Lisa with that, because he was right

Love really does suck

"So..." Namjoon started "Lets talk about Yoongi's crush"

"WHAT!!" everyone except Jennie and Namjoon yelled

My eye's widen

"What the hell do you mean" i ask

"Come on" Namjoon says

"We can almost see your heart eyes towards Jimin" she snickers

"Ohhhhh" Taehyung sings

I roll my eyes

"I don't have a crush on that weirdo, i don't have a crush on anyone" i snap

"Yeah, and Santa Claus isn't real" Taehyung laughs

Everyone goes quite

"Oh my god Tae" Jennie sighs

"What" he ask's

"Just shut up" she says, hugging him

"...Back to the love thing" Namjoon says, eyeing Taehyung weirdly, almost causing me to burst out laughing

"Just ask the kid out" Jennie says

"Hell no, why the fuck would i ask someone out if i don't even like them"

"Whatever, do what ever the fuck you want you stupid lover boy" Namjoon says

"Just go home..." i say

The all nod

"Except for Jungkook" everyone stops looking and me and then bunny boy

I grit my teeth glaring at him

"We need to have a talk"

He nods, swallowing thickly

Everyone hesitantly leaves

"Is there a problem" he smirks, trying to cover up the fear in his voice

"What did you do to Jimin today?" i ask

He chuckles

"Why would you care" he taunts

I growl, flipping him off

"Quit being a dick to him Kook, he doesn't deserve it"

"And if i don't" he asks

"Kook" i warned

He sighs

"Fuck, fine, i'll leave your 'boyfriend' alone" he says

"Good, now leave" i say

He scowls at me and stands up, grabbing his stuff and walking out the door

"What a dumbass" i whisper


Laughing echoed through out the house, smoke filling the air

I slightly scrunched my face up from all the smoke, not like the smell at all

But all in all i had no choice but to stay in the living room with my brother and his friends

While they were on all the couches, i had to sit on the ground, not being allowed to move until Chanyeol tells me i can

"Go get me another drink" Chanyeol said between laughs

I nodded, going in the kitchen, grabbing another beer for him

Coming back i put it in front of him, going back over to my 'spot'

This is gonna be a long night








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