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hello everyone, PLEASE read the ending note, it's important

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hello everyone, PLEASE read the ending note, it's important

please go check out my new story, it's the yoonmin mafia au, i will be releasing a new chapter on that tonight, plz and thank you

also, huge trigger warning, this is the saddest + hardest chapter to write out of this whole book

thanks for sticking with me and this book for so long btw 🖤

like i said, ending note is very important (but short), so plz read

(the song represents the mood of the story, I highly recommend listening to it)

word count : 4212

~ Yoongi ~

My heart stopped, I felt like I couldn't breath, there Jimin was, the love of my life laying right in that bathtub, not moving as the water was stained red

I couldn't speak, couldn't yell or scream, all I could do was sit and cry, this couldn't be real

I crawl towards the bathtub, picking him up and using everything I had to pull him out of the tub, sobbing as I pull him in my arms, the cuts in his arms still bleeding, his face cold along with the rest of his body

"CHANYEOL" I yell, crying down at Jimin as he still doesn't move, his lips having less color along with the rest of his body

Chanyeol gets upstairs and opens the door, seeing me and Jimin on the floor

"Call 911!" I yell, holding Jimin closer to me

Chanyeol looks frozen, his face looking like he had just seen a ghost

"CALL 911!" I yell again, crying even harder as I hear Chanyeol run away from me, going down stairs to get his phone

I sob, reminding my self over and over that this ain't real, it can't be, he was fine yesterday, how could he not be fine today

I rock back and forth, desperately clinging onto Jimin, my body shaking as he still hasn't moved

I hear Chanyeol running up the stairs, busting through the bathroom door

He sits next to me, looking down at Jimin with tears in his eyes, "T-they said that there probably won't be much they can do but that they'll try" Chanyeol hiccups, putting his hand against his mouth in disbelief

"Fuck Jimin come back, please fucking come back" I whisper, crying even harder, his body relaxed as he doesn't breathe, causing me to shake harder

"What the fuck happened..." I whisper

~ Jimin ~

I sit on my bed, looking at the ceiling, my head pounding as I had just woken up from my nap

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