[ G U I L T P T 2 ]

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double update even tho it's a few hours apart lol

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double update even tho it's a few hours apart lol

also if there's any mistakes you guys catch, story line, plot, character placement, grammar, or just any mistake in general. text me so I can fix it please

3,178 words

trigger warning

~ Author ~

"What the hell is an AA?" Chanyeol asked, already not liking the idea of it

Jimin sighed, rolling his eyes

"They are meetings you go to that help with your addiction to alcohol and drugs, Chanyeol your life will become so much better, it's one meeting 5 days a week that will take an hour at the longest"

Chanyeol was skeptical, he never believed in those anti drug groups

"It's free, so all you have to do is show up and find other hobbies," Jimin says, "Remember, I didn't have to bail you out ya know"

Chanyeol swallows his pride, taking a deep breath

"When do I start?" he asks

"Today, there's a building about a mile away, they have an AA sign outside so you'll know which one it is, and it starts in 45 minutes....so you have time to walk down there" Jimin smiles, giving Chanyeol an AA card

"You're joking, right?"

"Nope, me and Yoongi will be leaving now" Jimin smiles, grabbing his boyfriends hand and walking towards his bike, ready to go home

"That was hot" Yoongi comments

"I know"

Chanyeol stands there dumb founded, but none the less started walking towards the building, already wanting to kill himself

~ Jimin ~

Yoongi and I had decided to call it a day, so instead of going back to his place we decided to just drop me off at mine

"How can you look at Chanyeol and not stab him to death" Yoongi asks, him and me standing on my porch

"To be honest...I'm not sure, he did some terrible fucking things to me, but I know deep down that he's got some good in him, ya know?" I answer

And I am being honest, I use to dread the days I had to go home to Chanyeol, and I still do except I'm not as scared, I feel like he's starting to open his eyes a little bit, and I'm really thinking that this AA stuff is going to get him better

"Anyway, I love you baby, pick you up tomorrow, same time?"

I nod, kissing his cheek

"I love you more"

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