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Please read the note at the end


After Jungkook walked out the door, everyone was left confused

Well, everyone except me of course

I look around, seeing everyone whispering to each other, taking my chance and walking out of the lunch room

As i was trying to find Jungkook, i hear small crying in the bathroom, as well as deep and heavy breathing

Being the curious cat i am, I start to walk towards the boy's bathroom, taking small and steady steps

Once i get close enough, i shiver a little, the bathroom temperature to cold

Ignoring my stupid thoughts, i ;pear around the corner, my heart breaking into a million pieces at the sight before me

Jeon Jungkook, one of the biggest guys in school, sitting on the ground. Knee's up to his chest and head in between his legs

I feel my eye's get glossy, looking at the sight before me. His body shaking, his shoulders going up and down as he sits in silence, nothing but his muffled crying and hiccups were heard through out the room

After stepping a little closer, Jungkook looks up, meeting my eye's as tears ran down his face

I sighed, going down to touch his shoulder, only for my hand to be quickly grabbed

He stands up, and before i could even blink i feel myself being pushed into the wall. The pain in my back shooting through me like an arrow

I look wide eyed at Jungkook, confusion and fear taking over me

I'm so fucking stupid


Jungkook stares into Jimin, his deep brown orbs making Jimin nervous

"Why the fuck are you here" Jungkook snaps, his tears drying up

Jimin stared to shake, Jungkooks grip on his wrist ware getting tighter by the second

When  Jimin didn't answer, Jungkook let out a low laugh

"Forgive me princess, i forgot you didn't feel the need to talk" Jungkook snarled, glaring at the younger

When Jimin stayed quiet, Jungkook sighed

"I don't need your stupid tutoring anymore, i thought it would be fun, but that no fight crap was bull shit" Jungkook said

Jimin bit his tongue, trying not the whimper when Jungkook grabbed his wrist's even tighter

"I should of never backed down from that stupid fight, i should of killed Yoongi right then and there"

Jimin's eye's went wide

Jungkook let out a dry laugh, no longer crying

"You're such a pathetic piece of shit, you know that right?" Jungkook said, "Just a little fucking bitch begging for attention, hm" Jungkook said, a playful smirk forming

"You got a lot of nerve, coming into my friend group, fallowing Yoongi around like a sneaky little slut. Why are you here, Jimin, do you really wanna make friends, or do you just wan't Yoongi's dick inside you" Jungkook growled, slapping Jimin's thigh

Jimin felt so small, his eyes starting to water as Jungkook kept glaring at him

"But guess what you whore, you're not gonna get it, because i swear to god before you even see Yoongi again, i'm gonna fuck you right in front of him, show him what a stupid little slut you are"

Jimin closed his eyes, tears streaming down his face, body shaking

But just as Jungkook was about to speck again, Jimin hears and big slam, as well as some groaning


Slowly opening my eye's, i gasp, seeing Jungkook on the floor, blood running down his nose

"Are you ok, did he do anything to you"

I look up and see the one and only Kim Taehyung

His eye's soften as he see's my tears, walking over to me and giving me a hug

"It's gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok" he whispers, running his hands through my hair

I hesitantly wrap my arms around him as well, crying ever so softly as I try to not make any noise


After the bell rung, i decided i wanted to skip class, not wanting to deal with anymore shit today

So i went to my usual place

The dirty nasty ass bathroom....better then nothing i guess

As I got closer, i start to hear mumbling, a low voice talking

"But guess what you whore, you're not gonna get it, because i swear to god before you even see Yoongi again, i'm gonna fuck you right in front of him, show him what a stupid little slut you are"

As soon as I hear those words I rush into the bathroom, seeing Jungkook in front of a cry Jimin

I rush over to them, pulling Jungkook off of Jimin and punching him right where Yoongi has punch him earlier

Half of me felt bad for him, but my other half knew that Jungkook didn't go down easily, what he said and what he did to Jimin was plain wrong

As Jungkook falls. He groans a bit, holding his nose

I look over and see Jimin opening his eyes a little
"Are you ok, did he do anything to you" I ask

When he just looks at me, my eye's soften, seeing the tears run down his face

I walk over to him, giving him a big hug

"It's gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok" i whisper, running my hands through his soft hair

He hesitantly wraps his short arms around me as well, crying softly as I can tell he's trying not to make any noise

Poor baby


As you know, I told you guys to vote for stories you would like me to write next

And I probably should of made this clear😂

It was my mistake, I should of told you guys to please vote once

I'm so stupid lol

But any way, you guys are gonna vote again, this time, you know what the ship will be

Minjoon- stripper au

Yoonmin- depressed love

Yoonmin- illegal love

(Not the real titles)

Please vote once, and I'll tell you what story wins in the next chapter

Love you guys 😍

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