[ M E N T A L L Y N U M B ]

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warning- rape, sexual abuse, abuse, and triggering moments/words

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warning- rape, sexual abuse, abuse, and triggering moments/words


I wake up to the most dreadful sound in the fucking world

An alarm clock

I groan, rubbing my eye's as the sun hit my face

But as soon as i sat up, i instantly regretted it. The pain hit me like a bus

I look down at my legs an see bruises all over, along with hand marks on my arms

I let out a sigh as memories from last night came back

~flash back~



Chanyeol came into the living room with a red face

"w-whats wrong" i stutter

he came closer and i can tell that he's been drinking, you could smell the alcohol from a mile away

"i told you to clean the fucking house" he yelled

i looked around, it was clean

the rooms swept, the rugs vacuumed, the tables washed

what more could he wan't

"i-it's already cleaned" i shiver

he then growled at me "did you just talk back"

"n-no, i would never" i say just above a whisper

"what did i say about mumbling!" he yelled

"t-to not d-do it" i chocked up

he gritted his teeth

"quit stuttering" he says just a little bit more calmer "it's fucking annoying"

i nod my head, ever since i stopped talking, i started to stutter. I wasn't born with it, it was just a habit that formed along the way, i guess you could say that when i quit talking and became depressed, it really fucked with my speech


i feel one harsh slap across the face

tears started to drop and my vision started to get blurry

"don't cry to little shit" he says

i was trying my hardest not to make a sound, but i let out a little whimper and that struck something in him

he picked me up and flew me on the floor, kicking my stomach

i was yelling, no, screaming and begging him to stop

but he didn't care

"will you be quite now?" he asked

"y-yes" i say in pain

he took a deep breath

"i told you to stop stuttering"

i feel another slap to the face

he grabs me by the neck and gets on top of me

"STOP" i say, barely breathing


he stands up and grabs me by the arms, dragging me upstairs

i was sobbing and trying to loosen from his grip, but it was no use

he was dragging me to his room, and that's when i realaized

today was one of his bad days

i started to scream and kick as hard as i could, but he kept holding on tighter

"SHUT THE HELL UP" he yells

he lifts me up and throws me in his room onto his bed , locking the door behind him

he smirks at me

"i've been thinking about you all day Jiminie" he whispers

"please don-" i get cut off


he runs his hands through his hair and starts to walk towards me

i try to crawl away but he grabs my feet and pulls me down

"this is gonna be fun" he laughs

he crawls on me, kissing my neck and putting his hands under my shirt, roaming his hands all around my body

i put my hand on my mouth, trying to hold in my crying so he wouldn't get mad

but when he starts to undress me....

thats when i went numb


I didn't didn't notice that there were tears falling until i wiped my face off

Whimpering at the memories, i get up and start the water to my shower

I felt absolutely disgusting, how he touched me and where he did

It made me feel like nothing

I got out of the shower and continued my routine


"YOONGI WHAT THE HELL" my dad yelled

"It's small, don't worry old man"

"I told you, enough with the tattoos" he sighs

I shrug my shoulder and grab my bag

"Plus" he adds "You already have enough"

I roll my eyes and turn away

"I'm going to school" i say

He then growls at me

"Yoongi if any things happens today then i swear to g-" he couldn't finish because i slammed the door

I walk up to Namjoons car and get in, he looked at me as i got in

"How did your dad react" he ask's

"He didn't notice it until this morning" i shrug

Namjoon nods his head as we start are drive to school

As we were driving to school i couldn't help but go over what's happen to my life all the way up till now

My mom left us, me and my dad hate each other, everyone at school flinches when i go near them, and my depression it getting worse

I swear i have the worst fucking life at this school...


....Oh if only Yoongi knew what was happening then, he would take it all back


i love yooooooou

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