[ M I S T A K E ]

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It's official, it's officially official

Sitting in the warmth of Jennie's house is way better than sitting on the porch of this shit hole

It was 5, an hour had passed and my brother was still gone, and I know it's my fault I lost the key. But I still don't know how I lost it in the first place

I sighed, Yoongi still hadn't texted me back. Sadly, but it's okay because I'm done having my temper tantrum

I look at my phone. It was at 7%. And if I was locked out then I couldn't charge it. Why am I so stupid?

Another 30 minutes pass, just me looking around. Not wanting to waste my battery in case of an emergency. It's weird what happens outside. I saw a bird throw up into its child's mouth, and I know that's natural. But I wanted to cry after that

I huff, laying down in the pavement. Waiting for my brother to return. I was tired and hungry

But guess what the best part was 

My dumbass forgot my backpack at Jennie's

Of course I did, I grabbed everything that I had brought. except for my backpack, with all my homework, everything. And on top of that, we have a stupid test to do tomorrow. And like I said, there ain't no way I can study

You know, I could just grow up and go get my backpack from Jennie's. But I was petty, and I really didn't want to talk to her

I hear a car close by, a car that sounded like my brothers. So with a smile on my face, I sit up, seeing him park his car in the driveway

"What the fuck are you doing out here" is the first thing he said when he got out, a grocery bag in his left hand

"I got locked out..." I mumbled. Looking down at the ground. Seeing a spider walk past my feet

"Of course you did," he says, going past me and to the door

Chanyeol may be mean, and he may be abusive, but he wasn't drunk yet. And I had time to go inside and get some rest

I walk inside, seeing Chanyeol turn on the tv. Taking out some food from the grocery bag

"How did you even get locked out?" he asks. Taking a bite out of his food

"Um, I don't know how. But I lost my key. It was in my pocket this morning, must have fallen out" I said, still standing next to the door

(here's a tour of Jiminies house ⬇️ )

(here's a tour of Jiminies house ⬇️ )

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