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"Papa.."Harry whimpers stepping into the office where Liam and Louis were talking quietly. The two men look up ten back down at a piece of paper completely ignoring harry. He can faintly still hear Zayn calling his name front he kitchen but chooses to ignore it, "papa what sex? Kitty have sex?"

Finally, Liam head snaps up to his. "What?"

"Kitty see on phone.....what is sex papa?"He shoves the phone in Liam's face for him to see where the girl mentioned sex. He made sure Liam wouldn't be able to see his twitter name or Louis being mentioned since the man was standing right next to them with wide eyes.

Liam just sighs running his hands over his face, "no harry. You can not have sex."he didn't have the time for this. He was stressed and tired, ever since Louis got here Harry has misbehaved loads and Liam was pretty sure his hand is starting to bruise from how many times he has to punish the boy.

"But-"Harry tail wraps around his legs, ears flattening. "But harry want to know what sex is papa."

"Jesus Christ."louis curses under his breath.

"No harry! Your too young for that. Now hand me your bloody phone."

"No!"harry hisses clawing at Liam's hand when the man tries to snatch it from him. He didn't do anything wrong, he shouldn't have his phone taken away just because he was curious about what some girl said online. "Papa can not take harry phone for no reason!"

"Oh I have a reason."Liam spits finally catching Harry after they ran around the office. He bends the small boy over the large office desk. "If you'll just give me a minute."Liam grumbles to louis holding down Harry's wrist. The boy struggles in his hold.

Louis can't count how many times he's heard Harry getting punished but to see the small boy bent over a desk with his skirt flipped over so his bright pink panties are on show, does something to him. Louis usually ignored the nagging feeling in him begging to take the boy apart with his cock.

"Stop papa! Kitty not do anything bad!"Harry whines trying to push back but his bum just presses against Liam's so the man shoved him forward again landing a hard smack on his bum causing Harry to whimper. He knew louis was watching, could see him out the side of his eye.

Liam gives him two more smacks and by then harry is wet -which has never happened by the way- it catches both Liam and Louis off guard when harry moans 'daddy' and pushes his hips back against Liam again. "Kitty wet papa."Harry whines. "Wa-want daddy please papa please."Harry cries out.

"Is he going into heat or something?"Louis asks awkwardly laughing looking around the room.

"Zayn."Liam murmurs out. Harry was not going into heat, he wasn't due to till next month. "Let me get Zayn."Louis' jaw drops. Why would Liam leave Louis in a room alone with harry? Makes no sense what so ever.

"Daddy."Harry whines out again. "Touch kitty please. Be good kitty promise."Louis just shakes his head biting down on his bottom lip. He had never seen a hybrid like this, Hell he never met a hybrid till harry.

Harry shifts on his feet uncomfortably feeling his panties getting wetter and wetter with his slick. "Daddy please harry good kitty."the small hybrid cries out again. "Be good kitty."he pants.

"Harry edward Styles!"Zayn hisses marching into the room not noticing how close louis was to the hybrid, just seconds away from yanking down his panties and giving him what he wanted. "I swear to god-"Zayn grumbles pushing down the boys skirt and dragging him out of the room.

"You know better than that!"is the last thing louis hears before Harry's bedroom is slammed closed.

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