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The phone rings twice. "L-loulou?"the hybrid whimpers, he tail was wrapped around his waist and his ears were flatten on his head. He had negative pregnancy tests surrounding him and it makes him so sad knowing he won't have a baby. The auction center said he should please his daddy and make babies but he couldn't do neither.

"Harry? Uh hi."louis trials off shuffling coming from the side of line.

"Sorry kitty call."Harry whispers. Maybe louis didn't want to talk to him. "Har-harry just sad and lo-lou make kitty feel happy."harry tells him honestly. Louis will always s make harry happy, no matter what. He was in love with Louis. He barely understood what love was but he knew it had to do with feeling all giddy and happy to just be around someone you love and feeling lost without them.

"About what love?"His tone is quiet and comforting. Harry almost purrs.

"Kitty wan-wanted baby."Harry wipes at his already red eyes. "But no have baby."He can hear Louis exhale sharply through the phone. It was midnight when louis found out Harry wasn't actually pregnant and that he was just confused with how the test worked.

Louis closes his car door and leans back, he figured he's gonna be here for a while. He'd rather be late then drive whilst on the phone. "Harry....I um- I think it's good thing your not having a baby. You're only sixteen yeah? And you have school now.."louis trails off.

Harry replies, "but when lou touch kitty he say he wanted to make baby."harry remembers everything that happened the last time him and Louis were together. Louis was drunk because he just came home from an award show and Harry was up late watching tv, Liam and Zayn had stumbled to their own room just as drunk and fumbling with each other's clothes.

Louis had kissed Harry and fucked him to realize he never wore a condom. At first Harry didn't get why it matter, it had actually felt even more good without the condom. Louis had only blabbered out something about harry possibly getting pregnant and saying he didn't care because he did what a baby with harry. The hybrid was obsessed with the thought of having a baby after that.

"I was drunk harry. I was talking nonsense."

Harry sighs, "can lou just give Harry baby? Then can leave again. No have to take care of baby too."

"I can't do that harry, we can't do anything together anymore."Louis starts up his car.

"Fine! Harry get own baby."harry hisses suddenly becoming angry. He gave everything to louis and did anything the man wanted but Louis can't give him a baby in return? "Kitty like mr tomsim better then old daddy anyway."Harry hangs up the phone after that.

Wishing there was truth to his statement.


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