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"Jesus fucking Christ, I haven't been mobbed like that in ages."Niall exhales breathlessly. Pushing through the crowds of girls and boys was straight hell and he pretty sure multiple people grabbed his bum which pissed him off so he ended up shouting at the girl who did it. She looked embarrassed.

"Tell me about it."louis mutters rolling his eyes. They've been in trapped in the house while the police force the teenage girls and boys to leave, because Niall had arrive they crowded right back in front of the house.

"Where's harry?"Niall huffs our dropping his heavy bags on the floor. He'll get them later.

"Said he was tired, so he's upstairs napping."Louis informs him aimlessly scrolling through his phone. Niall hums not bothering to mention the tweets Harry had posted not to long ago saying, yes, he can see the fans downstairs holding up signs for him and no, he couldn't come downstairs to greet them.

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Harry stands on his tippy toes to reach the cup sitting in the middle of the island table, tail swishing lazily in the air. He was so concentrated on getting the cup he had his tongue poking out his mouth and didn't notice Liam watching him from afar.

Once Harry gets the cup, he squeals quietly bringing it to his lips. He knows he's not suppose to drink any adult drinks but this one was so pink and pretty. It tasted a bit strong at first but then it started to taste a bit like candy because of how much sugar was in it.

Harry finishes the cup quickly and slides it back onto the table so no one will notice he drunk it. He licks his lips and walks away, on a mission to get more fruity pink drinks in the slightly crowded beach house with different kinds of celebrities friends with his papas, Niall, and Louis.

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Harry was drunk. Liam was drunk. Well, everyone was drunk but Liam was completely wasted and harry just felt funny. The hybrid had never been drunk before so he didn't understand why he was feeling so weird.

His lips were a dark red and his curls were wild, plus the shirt - it was louis and looked incredibly big on him - was showing off his collar bones. A lot of people turned their heads as he walked by. Harry was a very attractive hybrid, there was no denying that but everyone knew he belonged to louis.

The small boy giggles pushing through the crowd so he can get back to the kitchen. He hasn't seen his papas, Niall, or Louis in ages. They had told him to stay in the room, like harry would stay upstairs while everyone was downstairs having fun.

He was just about to get one more drink before someone pushed him up against the counter. Blocking anyone's view of seeing the two of them so close together, "what do you think you're doing harry?"Liam says slowly. Harry whimpers knowing he got caught by his papa.

"Nothin' promise."the boy whines not wanting to get in trouble. Harry just wanted another drink and then he would go back upstairs and to bed. "Jus' thirsty papa."

Liam tsks, "I've been watching you all night harry. I seen you sneak those drinks love."He slowly drags his finger across harrys cheek causing the small boy to shiver in his arm. "Should punish you for that."

"So-sorry papa. Kitty no mean it."His bottom lip wobbles. His daddy was going to be so mad and disappointed. The man strictly said to not come downstairs or he'll face the consequences. "No tell daddy please."

His papa shakes his head, fitting his hand in Harry's and dragging the small boy throughout the crowd and up the stairs. They do not go back to harrys and Louis' shared room though. They go to the very sky's room down the hall, the last unoccupied quest room. Liam kicks the door shut behind them.

"Kitty sorry papa, so sorry."Harry cries. Liam doesn't say anything, he just walks them over to the bed and falls down on his back. He exhales slowly dragging his eyes over harry, the boy was crying but his finger tips were still touching Liam's.

"Shush love."The man hums pulling harry by his hand on top of him. The small hybrid chokes on a sob, rubbing his eyes with balled fist as he cries. "M' not gonna tell Louis. I was watching you all night, I should of stopped you."Liam states placing his hands on Harry's thigh to try and get the boy to calm down.

He does eventually after apologizing multiple times. "Kitty not do it again."Harry says finally. His papa just hums rubbing his hands up and down the boys thighs. He grunts when he sees the fading hickey on Harry's collar bone. It was still a bit unsettling knowing louis was literally fucking his son. But whatever there's nothing he can do about it.

Liam's to wasted to realize what he's doing and Harry's drunk, innocent, and overall just naive little boy to see its wrong. Wrong for Liam to wipe away his drying tears with his thumbs and press a kiss on the corner of the hybrids mouth.

Harry sniffles fisting his papas shirt in his hand. "Is papa mad?"

"No."The man tells him laying back down and resting his hands back on Harry's thighs. He night shorts were a bit to short so his thighs were completely bare. Liam tugs harry does by his shirt so the boy can tuck his head into his neck. They room is quiet except for the music downstairs and their breathing.

Moments later Liam slowly drags his hands down harrys back before stopping right above his bum. Then, he softly grabs the hybrids bum into his hands causing the boys breath to hitch. Harry doesn't pull back though because he thinks it okay for his papa to touch him there and slowly rock their hips together.

Liam eventually pushes aside harrys shorts and panties so he can grab his bare bum and rock their hips together faster and harder. By now harry is whining into his ear and clutching the bed sheets as his slick runs down his legs.

His papa grunts squeezing his cheeks, "ah."Harry whimpers. Liam starts to kiss down his neck as he rocks their hips, the hybrid is a mess in his arms now. Blabbering out a mess of wanting to be fucked.

"Shit."Liam curses sucking in the skin right below harrys ear.

"Papa."The boy makes a low gurling sound, "kitty wet papa. Kitty need to come."At that, Liam flips them over, snapping his hip down against harrys, grunting in his ear. Harry whines scratching at Liam's shirt.

The door flies open.

"Shi-shit sorry, sorry. Shit oh fuck."A girl stutters drunkly. She stared wide eyed at the scene in front of her. "Sorry."She shad again slamming the door close. Liam pants looking away from the door and back at the boy underneath him who still begging to come.

"Please papa please. Harry good kitty. Please."Harry whines thrusting his hips up. Liam forgets about the girl who just barged in on them dry bumping, he forgets he bad it is for this to be happening, and most importantly he tries to forget the problems he'll have to face in the morning if anyone finds out.

Because right now he's more worried about shimming harry out of his underpants and wear and flipping the boy over so his ass was up in the air. Harry had slick dripping down his legs and his ass was covered in it. Liam had already stripped down t his boxers so he just pushes his hips back against harrys.

He spreads the boys cheeks and pressing his hard on right between it before roughly fucking between them to get them both off without full penetration. Harry's whining out his name and pushing his hips back, eventually, he does come when Liam grunts in his ear about wanting to actually fuck the boy in his drunken state.

And Liam comes when harry moans out a 'daddy'.

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