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"Hey Ben you can head on inside, I'll be helping Harry out of the car."

Ben smiles at the acknowledgment, "Yes, of course dadd- louis."there's little pep in his step as he walks up to the front door and unlocks it. It already feels like home, he and Louis will have the best life here. It does not matter if harry is pregnant with louis' child. Louis could easily get custody and Ben will raise her as his own, really, is plan is invincible. The hybrid takes sometime to wander around the house, he doesn't go in the master bedroom though because harry would smell him the minute he walks in it and he wants to wait till the dms are leaked before he fights with harry.

Harry would be kicked to the curb so fast he wouldn't even be able to blink. You can tell Louis is already a little insecure and suspicious of harry when he is around other men, Harry cheating again would bring him to tears. His heart will shatter and Ben will be there to pick up the pieces while Harry cries outside and waits for his dads to arrive.

By the time he gets back tot he living room, Harry and Louis are there and kissing. He glares at the two then clears his throat to let his presence be known.

"Oh- um, would up you like something to eat?"Louis asks like the humble man he is.

Ben nods his head, pretending to have a shy and closed off demeanor.

Men like hybrids quite and submissive. He'll be exactly that for Louis. The man stands to his feet and smiles at Benjamin then walks to the kitchen.

Harry can't help but snort from the other side of the room.

"What is so funny?"Benjamin glares.

Harry casts him a look and rolls his eyes, rubbing comfortably at his stomach. "Nothing. Where harry phone?"

Ben abuses fur a second, he has yet to leak the fake dms between Harry's account and another account he made days ago when he found out he'd be around louis. "Oh! I have to text my daddy again, I'll give it to you afterwards?"he says in it a more of a questioning tone so harry doesn't get suspicious.

Harry raises a brow but says okay and turns back to the tv.


They weren't on their bloody phones. Louis or Harry hadn't even touched their phones since they got to louis' house. Benjamin was starting to lose hope, his daddy would have to come and get him eventually and it's just getting later and later into the night.

Harry and louis were currently cuddled up on the couch, harry halfway asleep. It's obvious Louis was trying to stay up to make sure Benjamin gets home. Huffing, the other hybrid turns his gaze back to the tv. Wishing someone would just call Louis or something so he can get distracted and mingle his way onto twitter where he was sure the leaked dms were trending.

Fortunately, it does happen and Ben nearly squeals when he hears the ringer to louis' phone go off. The room is silent as Louis answers the call, only the background of the tv is heard. Harry had jumped from the ringing and was now wide awake with his face pushed into louis' neck breathing slowly.

Louis talks back and forth with whoever's on the phone then he eventually hands it off to Harry so he can say goodnight. Benjamin figures it one of Harry's father's.

And just like Ben hoped, louis stays on his phone. It takes ten minutes before Louis tenses up at Harry's side which wakes the hybrid again. He stands up abruptly and places a confused harry back down on the couch, softly.

Benjamin smirks into his palm.

Harry and him make eye contact before the hybrid struggles to get out the arm chair and follow his daddy into the kitchen.


"No, no, no. I want that shit taken down right now."Louis curses into the phone, pacing around the kitchen. "Yes I am fucking sure it wasn't him! Get it taken down right now, say you'll sue or some shit if someone keeps the photos up."

Harry pauses in the hall connected to the kitchen. He can see Louis but Louis can't see him because his back is turned.

"I don't care what you do. Just get it taken down, I'm tired of these bloody rumors and fake messages about my boy."Louis pauses, "Harry can't even speak like that. Let alone type it!"


"Yes I want to take whoever did it to court. Not only did they put my address out there but they also pretended to be a minor!"The older man turns around quickly and speaks with a soft voice, "one second baby."

"I don't care if they can use me being with Harry against me. It's consensual. Whoever did this leaked my fucking address! I clearly have a more valid case."

Harry rubs at his eyes, he was very tired but his daddy was obviously in distress. He wanted to comfort him.

"Harry wouldn't- fine, fucking fine."Louis pulls the phone away from his ear, "harry, love, can you go get me your phone?"

The small hybrid stares at him in confusion before he speaks up, voice slow and crawled out, "kitty no have."

Louis' face falls, "what?"

The boy yawns, "give to Ben. No get back yet."he blinks slowly. "What happen?"

Louis wastes no time to march right back into the living room.


A cliff hanger 😔👊🏽

The chapter is long compared to others lol.

Anyways.....vote for Brendan on the X factor app, I seen he was the bottom three somewhere but i dont know if it's true! But vote for all of louis' boys regardless :)

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