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"Oh Oh Daddy Yes."harry back arches of the bed, pornographic moans leaving his mouth as Louis pounds into him. "Yes oh daddy."louis grabs harry wrist holding them down to the bed when the hybrid tries to touch himself.

"Like that huh?"louis grumbles snapping his hips and watching as his cock shoves deep into Harry's hole. "Like daddy fucking you kitten?"Harry automatically shakes his head yes. Louis smirks flipping the hybrid over so he's on his stomach. He forces harry ass up in the air whilst still holding his wrist and pounds into him faster.

Loving the way harry falls apart because of him. "More daddy more."the hybrid begs pushing his hips back so louis' is even deeper in him and hits his prostate every time he pounds into the small boy. His slick is dripping down his legs and his tail is wrapped around his waist so louis doesn't touch it, "kitty come, Kitty come please daddy?"

Louis groans, "go ahead baby."Harry comes with the shout of daddy, falling plaint in louis arms as the man continues to fuck him till he reaches his own high. He does after two more minutes taking it upon himself to pull out, toss the condom, and jerk himself off till he's coming all over the hybrids back and ass. "Such a good little kitten for daddy."louis pants pulling the boy into his arms so they can cuddle.

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