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"H-hello?"Liam croaks our holding his shattered phone to his ear. He can hear some rustling then a door shutting close. "Um? Hello?"He says again thinking someone had called the wrong number by ancient or possibly a fan who was to nervous to talk.

"Happy birthday papa!"Harry squeals. "Happy birthday to harry papa! Happy birthday to kitty papa! Happy birthday to youuuuu, Cha cha cha."Harry sing sings plopping down on his over sized pink bed. Liam grins sadly.

"Thank you."He whispers. Harry was the third person to call him today aside from his mum and dad, to wish him a happy birthday. Liam didn't even expect a call from Harry to be honest. Considering what happened he's surprised harry even has a phone to call him on.

"How many papa?"

"Twenty eight."Liam replies and harry giggles calling him a old man. Liam is close to asking about Zayn, truly wondering if the other man was doing okay. He knows what he did was fucked up and Zayn looked shattered the moment he found out.

"Kitty birthday come soon again too!"Harry sighs happily into the phone. He missed Liam a lot. He hasn't seen Liam since Hawaii and that was ages ago, he's not use to not hearing or seeing Liam for so long. It's makes him sad but he knows he can't really talk his papa like he usually does because of what they did. "Ki-kitty went to doctor for baby yest-yester-"

"Yesterday."Liam corrects softly. "What happened? How's the little angel?"

"Doctor tell kitty and Lou that baby he know baby gen-gender!"Harry squeals. "But Lou tell him know tell us cause Louis gonna throw party!"Harry was beaming the minute Louis told him they were gonna have a gender reveal party and all of their families would be there. Harry would finally meet louis' mum. "Papa come to baby party?"The hybrid asks quietly.

"I don't know harry....I don't think I'd be able too."

"Bu-but harry want papa there. Please papa. Harry be good kitty no do bad things with each other."Liam sucks in a breath at the reminder. "Pa-papa has to come or harry have no party."

"Harry no- you can't cancel it because I can't come."

"No! Papa need to be there for harry baby cause he kitty papa. Not party without papa. No care what Lou or other papa say."The small boy huffs stubbornly. He wouldn't dare have a party without the company of Liam, it was his father after all. They could push everything aside for the baby. It's only for one day anyways.

"We'll see what happens."

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