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"Do you want Mac and cheese?"louis trails off awkwardly holding a precooked box of mac and cheese up. The hybrid just squirms in his chair whimpering, his heat was tomorrow but being with Louis was making it come faster. "Uhh...I don't really know how to cook..."

Harry whines pressing his forehead against the cold marble of louis' island table, "Lou just take care of kitty please."

"Right. I'll just pop this in the microwave."

"Wi-with cock please. Daddy take care of kitty. Kitty need daddy."harry tugs down his little skirt and steps out of it. "Harry go into heat."the boy whines low in his throat dropping to his knees. "Daddy cock?"

Louis mouth falls agape, "I- uh-"Harry just stares at him; well the hybrid stares at his hardening length in his sweats, the light gray making it very very obvious louis was hard. "Ha-harry get up. You can-can't."

Harry whines again clasping his hands behind his back, "bu-but kitty need dadd cock. Cause kitty go into heat."Harry tries to explain shifting because his panties were getting soaked with his slick. "Why don't daddy give kitty cock? Harry been good kitty all day."

"You have been good but-"louis gulps, grip tightening on the Mac and cheese box. "Liam and Zayn would kill me if I did anything with you."Harry eyebrows furrow.

"Papas do not have to know."Harry says just loud enough for Louis to barley hear. The hybrid bites down on his bottom lip, "harry get cock now?"Louis curses. The Mac and cheese box falling to the floor as Louis rushes over harry, pulling the small boy to his feet much to his disappointment. He really wanted louis' cock in his mouth before the man fucked him.

"Okay, okay, they don't have to know, Alright."louis breathes out running his thumb over the kittens cheek causing the boy to purr and whimper at the same time. Harry blinks at louis getting ready to beg for his daddy's cock again but the man presses their lips together, immediately putting us tongue in the hybrids mouth to snog him senseless.

Louis kisses him hard and fast. Fiddling with his belt, louis eventually manages to get his sweats down. "Kitten suck daddy cock now?"Harry asks eyes shifting from louis to louis hard cock once they pulled away. The man just nods his head pushing the small hybrid to his knees gently.

Harry smiles happily then hums as he takes louis tip into his mouth. He had only suck one person off before, it being his mentor at the auction center claiming it was teaching him how to be a good pet. Harry starts by sucking on the tip then pulling off to lick long strips causing Louis to moan and tug at his curls, slick rushes out of the hybrids hole.

"Fuck harry."Louis grumbles forcing the boy to take more of his cock into his mouth. Harry happily obliged and sucks hard at his daddy's cock, keeping his hands behind his back like the good hybrid he is. It takes a minuets before Louis is fucking the boys throat.

Harry just takes it all, tears springing from his eyes as he peers up at louis cussing the man to release into his mouth because harry looked fucking beautiful with his sinful lips, wrapped around his thick long cock.

"Such a good kitten."louis praises and harry might of came as soon as the word left his daddy's mouth.

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I know the smut was trash, I haven't wrote it in a while so I have to get back into it but kskslslslslslslwso finally harry get what he wants. Promise the next smut scene will be with Louis fucking harry ;)

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