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"Tou-touch kitty here please."Harry whimpers dragging the mans large hand to his bright pink swollen nipples. His back arches, "ooo."he moans when the older man starts to rub the nub. Harry shifts in his lap letting out mewls. "Papa."

"Shit, Harry,"Liam grunts taking his hand form the boy chest and back to his thighs. The hybrid squirms in his lap again trying to shift back on his hard on. "Fuck Fuck Fuck."Liam inhales sharply helping harry do small circles on his clothes cock.

They were both still up and currently going at round two. Although full penetration wasn't involved it still felt amazing in their drunken state. By now it was expected to ware off especially after Liam immediately freaked out after he came into his boxers when Harry called him daddy.

He knew it was wrong. Liam knew it was wrong to be pressed up against harry like this when they both have faithful and loyal boyfriends - husband for Liam - downstairs partying and probably not a bone in their body that would ever agree with cheating on them. Sober or drunk.

"Kitty want- kitty want cock papa."Harry starts to fumble with his boxers begging to have more than just cotton against his hole. If Louis wouldn't fuck him maybe his papa would. It is his papa afterall so there shouldn't be anything wrong with it, well that's what Harry thought.

"No, no, we can-"The hybrid whines again and lets out a frustrated huff.

"But already touch why can't Harry get cock? Just for a little bit papa."

"Harry we- fuck we can't okay?"Liam was starting to sober up now.

Harry huffs again and climbs off of his lap and crosses his arms. "Can not make kitty come an-and not give cock papa! That stupid!"He plops down on the bed glaring at the floor that was swirling a little bit because of how drunk he was. "Papa stupid."He mutter under his breath. But as always, Liam hears him.

"Don't make me punish you."Liam grumbles shoving on his jeans. "Cause I will."He buttons and zips them up. Harry rolls his eyes refusing to look up at the man, he doesn't even bother to put on his own clothes. He just sits on the bed in his panties.

"It is stupid! How tell kitty papa want to put cock in Harry but not do it. Tha-that make kitty wet an-and come but still don't get it. Harry be good all the time. Never get reward though."

Liam rubs his hand over his face then grimaces when he remembers where the previously were before he touched harrys nibbles, "We're already in a Shit load of trouble okay? We weren't suppose to do that, We should of never done that."

Harry finally looks up at him. "Stupid! That is not first time papa touch kitty, not will be first time papa put cock in Harry because papa did it before when he dru-drunk!"Liam's face crumbles, mouth falling open.


"See papa not 'member. When other papa away, you out cock in kitty cause kitty in heat! But tell harry next day, Papa not remember doing that and then punish kitty for lying but Harry tell truth! Kitty never lie. Not to papa. Not about that."

"Oh god."Liam whispers. "Harr-"

"If so wrong why papa touch kitty tonight? After kitty have daddy."Harry glares at him again. "Always punish for tryna touch papas but when papa do it, it okay. Stupid. Make harry feel like stupid and used kitty."

"Harry, baby,"Liam crouches down by his side trying to rub his arm but the hybrid snatches his arm away and literally hisses. "It's- it's not okay. I don't remember doing anything with you before tonight honestly. What I did tonight shouldn't have happened, at all. You're right I was wrong to-"

"And why the fuck are you out of your room harry?"Liam gets cut off abruptly. Louis is standing with the door wide open and his arms crossed over his chest. He had came to check on his hybrid but he wasn't in the room so he checked all the other rooms. Louis learned to open the doors silently and halfway because of how many people he walked in on hooking up.

Harry whimpers, ears flattening, he had been caught now. "Kitty sorry daddy."

"Don't wanna hear it. Get back in the fucking room."Harry stands up sadly with his head down and tail unmoving. He was in for a punishment now, louis would probably send him to the isolation room for this. Louis was hell bent on harry not leaving the room but the hybrid did anyways.

Liam clears his throat and stands up from the ground. The light in the hall shines into the dark room so as Harry walks closer to louis, the man can clearly see his naked body and the hickies on his neck. That he would know if he gave them to the boy.

"....what the fuck."Louis curses glancing between harry and a shirtless Liam who looks guilty. "Why...why is there love bites on his neck?"

"It's noth-"

"What the hell were you two doing?"Louis flicks on the light. All of Harry's clothes thrown carelessly on the floor, a wet spot on the bed from his slick and come, and Liam's cum stained shirt. "You've got to be bloody kidding me."

"Louis. Let me expl-"

The blue eyed man chuckles dryly shaking his head. "There's nothing to explain mate. It's quite obvious what went down in here."Louis looks him dead in his eyes, "I don't find this surprising actually. Always knew you were fucking Harry or wanted to at least. Is the baby even mine?"

"Daddy."Harry cries.

"Don't you fucking dare."Louis snaps smacking away harrys hand that tried to grab for his. "I guess everyone was right,"Louis jaw tightens, "Liam Payne does fuck his son and hybrids are nothing but sluts. Can't believe- I can't believe I was actually going to propose to him."

Louis storms off after that. Yelling that the bloody party is over and everyone better fucking leave before the cops force them too. Harry looks at Liam with teary eyes, "daddy wanted to marry kitty?"he breaks down into sobs after that.

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