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"They say mean things 'bout kitty!"Harry defends. "Make kitty cry."Louis just grumbles something under his breath pushing Harry pass all the people in the house. He still can't believe what he just witness. He found it odd that Harry was carrying the entire punch bowl but it took him by surprise when Harry threw it on the guest then kicked them out.

Louis was fuming. He knows his mum and entire family saw that, "over my lap."louis snaps as soon as they get into the bedroom. Harry quickly scrambles over his lap not wanting to make his daddy even more mad. Louis pulls up he dress them rubs at his cheeks, "explain to me why you decided that was okay harry."

"Say mean thing about harry."The small hybrids explains again, whimpering as louis pulls down his white cotton panties. Louis hasn't touched him in ages and even if it was a punishment it still felt good to finally have his daddy's hands on him. "Ki-kitty just get reve-revenge."Harry stutters out shifting in louis' lap.

The man hums and drawls his hand back to smack the hybrids left cheek hard, "you've could of just told me love. I would of got rid of them myself."Harry whines low in his throat when Louis spanks him again. He could feel himself getting wet. "Everyone bloody seen that harry. Do you know how embarrassing that is?"

"Sorry daddy."Harry mewls. Louis growls as harry slick drips onto his suit pants and he smacks the boys bum again but harder, to the point where harry nearly falls off his lap. "D-daddy."He sobs out clutching at the sheets. Louis was showing no mercy to his bum and by the time he was done it was a bright red.

"Lay on the bed."Louis grumbles once harry is off of his lap and rubbing at his watery eyes. Harry easily complies, clinging onto the bed on his back. He can hear louis suit pants drop to the floor. A low burning sensation feels the pit of his stomach, he knew exactly what was going to happen.

The man takes off his tie then leans over the small hybrid gathering his small hands. He tugs Harry to the very top of the bed so his head is only cemeteries away from the headboard, then he wraps the tie around his hands and uses the rest to tie it to the headboard. Harry back arches when he feels louis breath on his neck.

Louis doesn't bother to take off his dress, he just bunches it up to the point where Harry's nipples are on display. Once Louis is hovering over the small hybrid he pulls off the panties that were on Harry's ankles and tosses it somewhere random in the room. "You're going to take my cock yeah?"

Harry nods feverishly trying to push back against Louis hips. "Gonna fuck you nice and hard. Make you remember who your true daddy is."the boy whines feeling louis fingers trail over his chest then pinch at his nipples causing harry to inhale sharply. Louis doesn't bother prepping him because Harrys wet enough and he's pretty sure he heard the hybrid fingering himself this morning whilst calling out his name.

Louis pushes in slowly so Harry can get a little use to his size before he pulls back quickly and rams himself into the hybrids wet hole. Harry lets out a loud moan, back arching, louis is restlessness pounding into him.

The man exhales and snaps his hips back up watching his cock disappear into Harry's gapping hole. He pinches roughly at the boys nipples causing them to go from a bright pink to a dark red. "Oh daddy oh."He whines.

"Such a good boy. Taking daddies cock with everyone downstairs."Louis grumbles pulling out to where it's just the tip then pushes back in. "Like that kitten? Like daddy fucking you hard and raw?"Harry nods lifting his head up to get a kiss from Louis but the man pulls back. Harry whimpers, head dropping back down on the bed. He clutches at the tie bounding his hand letting Louis use his hole till the man is cumming inside of him. Harry's comes when he toys at his nipples.

"Good little kitten."Louis whispers petting his head and untying his hands. He pulls the boys dress down then pats his head again, "clean yourself up. I'll be downstairs, my mum wants to meet you."

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