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Calum had harry thinking hard and long. He knows what his papa did was wrong yet calum keeps trying to say Liam is better than Louis, yes, over the last months Liam has treated Harry better than Louis has. But at the same time that his papa and Louis is his lover. Harry whines pressing his hand to his forehead, all the thinking made him nauseous and tired.

So the boy decides to lay down and take a nap. Everyone kept telling him stress was bad for the baby, so now Harry won't try to stress himself out. He's gonna do want makes him comfortable and happy. Even if it doesn't involve the man he fell in love with.

At the end of the day he still has his baby and papas there for him always.

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"I can leave now if you want."Liam says quietly standing in the doorway of what used to be his and zayns room. Zayn has his back to him with a blanket wrapped around his naked shoulders. The other man shoulders sink,

"I don't want you to leave."Zayn whispers staring at the wall in front of me. "and that scares me. I shouldn't want you here after what you did."Liam takes a deep breath and walks slowly over to Zayn. If Zayn notices he doesn't tell him to stop or leave, he lets liam sit down next to him, closer than they should be.

"I'm sorry Zayn. So sorry, I know it won't fix what happened but I want you to know I regret it so much. If I could go back in time and change everything, I would. I'd change everything I did to hurt you. I was so stupid to do what I did that night."Liam inhales. "I hate myself for that. Not only did I cheat on the love of my life but I took advantage of harry-"

"Stop."Zayn croaks out turning towards him. "I hate what you and harry did but you didn't take advantage of him liam. Not at all."Zayn wipes at a tear that slides down his cheek and he makes eye contact with Liam, he can see the sorrow and regret in that mans eyes. "Do you really think you took advantage of him?"

Liam nods his head to answer his question.

"You didn't."Is the last thing Zayn says before he's standing up and walking out the room with the blanket still wrapped around himself. Harry wanted it as much as Liam that night, liam never has or will ever take advantage of harry. Because each and every time harry gave full consent.

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