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"Papa."Harry says quietly peeking over at Zayn was had his back to him. The man was standing in Liam's office staring at the photos he had on the wall of all of them. Zayn had kicked Liam out the house the minute they got back from Hawaii. It was a complete mess that morning after the party, everyone couldn't stop screaming at each other.

And they all cried, even Niall. "W-what?"Zayn croaks our wiping at his eyes before turning around to face harry. It was hard to look at the small hybrid knowing what he did with Liam at the party and when he first was adopted. He didn't understand why Liam would even do something like that with harry. He always punished harry for even thinking about doing anything sexual with his father's but now Liam himself had been the one to do something with harry when drunk.

"Lou still get kitty? For baby doctor app-apoi-"

"Appointment."Zayn corrects. "And yes, he should be here in a few minutes."Harry just nods his head and bites down on his bottom lip, it was quite obvious Zayn wanted nothing to do with him but was forcing himself to take care of harry for the baby and the fear of leaving harry with Liam would lead to something more. Like an idiot, Zayn still loved Liam. Even after the man cheated twice with their son.

He snake shakes head and wipes at his tears again. "H-harry sorry papa."The hybrid says quietly fiddling with his thumbs, "kitty sorry for be sl-slut and do bad thing wit' other papa. Not mean to make papa cry and yell."

"It's fine. You don't know any better."Zayn says almost robotically

Harry doesn't know any better.

That makes it okay.

"Bu-but it not papa cause kitty should know harry not 'pose to do bad thing with papas and jus' cause kitty don't know everything don't make it okay. Harry know it bad but did it anyway. So Harry sorry. And understan' if papa want kitty to leave."

"I don't want you to leave."Zayn turns his back to him again. "I- I never want you to leave harry."

"Harry not deserve papas."The small boy whimpers. "So nice to harry but all Harry do is make papas sad and angry. Papas not even tog-together because of kitty!"Harry feels tears at the brim of his eyes. He was here when Zayn and Liam were fighting back and fourth throwing all of Liam's belongings at each other and the front door. Now Liam was staying at a hotel miles and miles away.

Zayn doesn't say anything after that. Because he's right, him and Liam aren't together partly because of harry.

"Bad kitty. Bad kitty."Harry whines to himself tugging harshly at his curls. "Harry bad kitty. Bad kitty. Harry no deserve papas."He falls to the floor and tugs at his curls to the point where it he whimpers and curls into himself, "Kitty wh-whore. Harry do bad things. Kitty just a whore. Bad harry."

"Har-harry?"Zayn says slowly watching confusingly as harry tugs at his curls. He walks up to the boy hesitantly and tries to touch him but type boy hisses and claws at him mumbling something about 'bad kitty. Kitty whore. No touch' then he starts to claw at his own arms.

"Fuck."Louis curses running into the room and to Harry's aid as Zayn stays frozen on the spot. He had gotten here five minutes ago and was waiting patiently in the living room for Harry to come downstairs but the boy never did, then Louis heard him and Zayn talking so he followed their voices. "Harry, love, stop that."Louis says soothingly.

"Ba-bad kit-kitty."Harry whines trying to push back at louis but the man gets a good grip on him and wrap his strong arms around the hybrid so he can't hurt himself or can barely get out of his hold.

"Harry, darling, come on, stop that."Louis says softly trying to get the boy to calm down. Harry just keeps crying saying he's a a 'bad kitty' up until he finally gives up and breaks down in louis arms repeatedly apologizing over and over again till he's a blabbering mess.

"Sorry Lou. Sorry for be bad kitty."Harry sobs out falling helplessly to louis chest as the man cradles him.


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