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"F-Fuck."The hybrid curses curling his small fingers so he gets a better angle. He pants feeling the shower water turn cold as he fingers himself, "ooo kitty come."harry stutters shoving his fingers as deep as he can get them. He comes when he visualizes Lou's being the one to finger him then fuck him.

Harry sighs happily watching his come flow down the drain. He knew he wasn't suppose to touch himself because it was against his daddy's rules but louis refused for them to do anything sexual whilst his papas was around. The man already has a rocky relationship with them and he doesn't want to make it worst because he can't keep himself under control.

It's not like louis would know anyways so harry just shuts off the water of the shower and steps out, putting on a pink fluffy robe after he dries himself off. The boy hums a song he heard on the radio early in the day as he brushes through his curls.

Harry's so relaxed and tired he didn't even realized he left the bathroom door cracked open so everyone in the house heard his little moans and whimpers as they talked downstairs. Louis was fuming but kept his chill around Zayn.


"Night papas."harry yawns kissing his fathers cheeks. Liam grins pulling his boy in a tight hug before letting go. "Kitty and papa still go to beach tomorrow? In mornin?"Zayn nods in agreement pressing a kiss to Harry's forehead.

"Night love."He whispers.

"Ooo kitty excited!"Harry cheers as he makes us way upstairs. They hadn't been able to go to the beach because when they tried to go it was over crowded and they got mobbed by fans. So they decided it'd be best to go to the private beach instead.

"Daddy?"the hybrid calls out his tail waging slowly once he sets int the room the first thing he sees is a small black plug on the bed along with a thick black belt. Harry gasps turning to back away but he bumps right in Louis Chest, "Why kitty get punish?"Harry whimpers tail curling, he didn't do anything wrong except for touching himself earlier.

"Hmmm."louis drawls out tapping the boys nose. "You touched yourself kitten."

Harry whimpers and his ears flatten, "da-daddy have no proof."

Louis chuckles dryly at that, "heard you dove. Everyone did."

"Bu-but kitty wan-wanted to feel good."Harry defends. It's not his fault his daddy didn't want to touch him, so, he touched himself. It may be against the rules but harry couldn't just walk into the living room where everyone was and beg louis to fuck him. That'd make the man even more mad.

"You know the rules darling."The boy pouts then bites down on his bottom lip. "It's only ten then you'll go to sleep with the plug in."Louis explains to him guiding the hybrid over to the bed. He sits down first then pats his lap.

His punishment really weren't that bad. Most hybrids would get worst than this. Louis was just slowly easing into a proper relationship with harry, him abandoning harry wasn't to long ago, plus, he didn't want to rush into things and make the hybrid feel like he was being used.

Harry hesitantly lays himself over Louis'; holding his tail in his hand so his daddy won't hit it. Once the man pulls up his night gown and his tight pink panties down, he automatically smacks the hybrids ass causing him to shout.

"Shhh love. Your fathers are sleep."He gives him another making it harder than the first. Harry whimpers out a small 'two. Thank Daddy'. He then grabs the belt sitting next to him,

"No no no daddy please."harry whines shifting in louis' lap. The blue eyed man glares at him, "please daddy be god kitty all day. No belt please."he cries clutching at louis' thighs. His daddy just glared again and spanks him, hard, with the belt. The tears flow freely after that.

Louis has to hit him seven more times owned Harry forgot to count one. Finally, the punishment was halfway over. Now Harry just had to bend over the bed as Lou's shoved the plug into his open hole. "Oh."Harry moans feeling his sick build up.

"Get in the bed. Now."The older man demands helping the hybrid scramble to his feet and into the soft king sized bed. Harry whine slow in his throat, feeling the plug shift inside of him and slightly touch his prostate.

"Night Daddy, harry love you."Harry whispers tucking his face into the mans chest.

"I love you too, kitten."

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