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Private messages (+489)

Kylelandford36: thank you for accepting my request 🤤🤤

Curlykitten: follow me back 😭😭😭

Princessharry: what's up

Woahhhstyles: can you tell Louis he's beautiful please I am begging.

Louisstyles: hiiiii

Daddydom: let me fuck you, I'll show you a real daddy.

Harryprincessstyles: oooo bad

Private message sent to daddydom!


"Hmm. Harry no like it though."Harry says slowly watching the fishes swim by. He was currently at the aquarium with calm and one of calumny friend. They had been here for hours and now harry was hungry but calum friend what's to go a restaurant Harry found disgusting. "We go to food court in mall! Eat and shop."

Calums friend - harry couldn't remember his name if he tried - "No, we've been walking all day. Why would I want to walk more?"He makes a point to glare at Harry before turning his back to stare at the large fish swimming by. Harry sticks his tongue out at him and stomps off to join his daddy that was talking quietly to Ashton.

"Daddy."The hybrid whines clutching at Louis' arms.

"Yes?"Louis looks around quickly before scooting Harry close to his side. If word got out that he and Harry, along with Aston them where at one of most known and packed aquariums in London, they'd be screwed. They didn't have much security with them because they were told they would have a private section all to themselves but unfortunately it was a busy day and they could not have a private section.

Harry would of thrown a fit if Louis told him they had to reschedule.

"Hungry."The small boy whimpers tucking himself into the mans side. He rolls his eyes at calums friend that is staring at the both of them. It is obvious he likes Louis, he's trying to hard to be in the mans space and way to flirty for his own good. Harry doesn't mind though because at the end of the day his daddy was the one who fucked him right before calums friend got in the car. "And my feet hurt!"

The hybrid presses a hand onto his stomach, it was quite large now. He had only three months left before their baby would come and harry couldn't be happier. Not only did he make up with his daddy but he has also improved his speech a little and their baby girl is on the way.

"Okay kitten, only a few more minutes and then we will leave."

"Hmm."Harry whines again tucking his head onto his daddy's chest. "Tired..."


Daddydom: yes, you are very bad. Daddy needs to punish you.

Harryprincessstyles: yes, please.

Daddydom: I'll punish you then force you onto my big cock.

Harryprincessstyles: really? Prove it please. Show me your cock.

Daddydom sent a picture!

Harryprincessstyles: ooo it is very big 😻

Daddydom: just for you darling. Send me your address and daddy will come fuck you. Hard.

Harryprincessstyles: okay daddy, wait one second 💖


"Where do you live?"Harry's head snaps up from his nuggets and to the both sitting next to him. They were currently in a car after a short trip to McDonald's after the aquarium. Sadly calum wasn't with them because he went into a early heat and Ashton had to rush them home and to safety. So now louis had to drive calums friend and harry- harry found out his name was Benjamin; Ben for short - to their house because bens owner won't be able to pick him up till later.

Harry narrows his eyes, "why?"

Ben freezes, "m-my daddy wants to k-know so he can get me."

"Should be in notes. That's where Lou put it for emer-emer-"

"Emergencies."Louis corrects softly from the driver's seat.

"Yeah! Emergencies!"Harry grins at his daddy in the rear view mirror.

Ben currently had his phone because his was dead and he had to keep in contact with his owner throughout the day. Well- that is what both Louis and Harry thought. The other hybrid only smirks and continues to type away, sometimes glancing at the Driver's seat. He found Louis extremely attractive, he has since the man blew up in one direction. When he found out that calum hood, one of his new classmates owner was Ashton who was one of Louis' best friends, he didn't waste time to befriend the 'slow' hybrid.

Benjamin finds Harry and Calum extremely stupid. They can not tell the difference between someone being genuine with them or fake. It was easy to befriend calum then get invited to hangout with him and Harry, Louis being there was slightly shocking. He thought he would have befriend Harry too before he could even get to Louis.

But everything was falling into plan easily, although he and Harry did not get along, the hybrid was to nice for his own good. Letting a stranger use your phone that had to no lock to anything? Ben had to laugh when he accessed Harry's twitter in seconds. He's obviously been keeping up with the papers so it won't be difficult to make it seem like Harry was cheating on Louis again.

And Benjamin would be right there to comfort the man once the dms were leaked tonight as they were at Louis' house. It would be impossible for Louis to forgive Harry for inviting another man to come fuck him in his home.

The evil hybrid only smirks as he stares at Louis in the driver seat, his new daddy would be lovely.

Private message sent to daddydom!

There is so much drama going on 👀👀

I'm sorry if this just throws the whole story off and ruins the vibe. I am trying to make it interesting cause I've been gone for so long and I feel like basic chapters about harry tweeting and Niall ranting about being killed by louis is boring.

Sooooo here's so more drama along with the previous chapter about Eleanor coming back!

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