***"Can you believe I have to deal with this bullshit!?" Calum hisses, pacing around Harry's room. The hybrid watches him amused as he snacks on one his cereal bars, he's been craving them a lot lately. Of course Louis got him a cabinet full when he mentioned them. Anyways back to the other angry hybrid, "it's like he doesn't even notice anymore!"
"Uh, huh."Harry replies going for a second one. "Maybe talk to him?"
Calum looks at him like he's stupid, "talk to him? Harry I can't even breathe next to him anymore!"Calum huffs an plops down on the floor. "I don't know what to do anymore. He never spends anymore time with me..."He spreads out on the floor in a starfish postision.
"Umm...maybe out the doggy in a cage and then play with Ashton!"The pregnant hybrid suggests munching away on his bar. He kicks his feet happily.
"That's animal cruelty!"
"My daddy puts me in a cage!"
"That's just you and Louis being kinky H."Harry lets out a giggle at that because that was true. Speaking of Louis, Harry missed him deeply but the man was so busy with promo they've rarely spent anytime together in person. Louis always makes sure to call and text him to check up on him and the baby but that's starting to not be enough.
"This is just a mess!"Calum sighs loudly. "Yes I wanted a puppy but now I get no attention for my damn self."The hybrid pouts again, silence falling over the room. "I just want a kiss and maybe a nice cuddle."
"Ooo I want a cuddle too!"Harry chirps balling up his trash. "Come cuddle me and baby please calum?"The other hybrid huffs but stands up and walks over to the bed. The two of them try to wrap their arms around each other even with harrys stomach in the way.
The room is silent for a moment before Calum whispers, "do you ever feel lonely harry?"
"Sometimes."Harry pouts. "No see daddy that much and it hurts. What if harry has the baby without lou there?"Calum tightens his hold, "but lou calls when he has time and papas make harry feel better. But harry still feel bad about what happened with papa and sometimes, I feel like my papas still hate me."
"Harry..."Calum trails off.
"Harry should have never take drink or do nasty with papa! It ruined everything and kitten still has to make up for it everyday. A-and sometimes I be mean to loulou for no reason be-because I want him to tell harry how he really feels! Not hold back."
"Harry I'm sure-"
"A-and then ben do mean thing! I know a small part of lou think it was really kitten who sent the message. He became dis-distant after that! That's really why louis goes to in-inter-views, he don't wanna be around kitten 'cause it makes him sad."The hybrid starts to cry, "kitten do everything wrong. I don't have my mummy, I almost lost louis and my papas. Kitten was mad at you for trying to help!"
"Everytime I go on twitter, someone say mean thing. Kitten is bad, really bad."
"Harry."Calum shifts till he's leaned up and looking harry directly in his eyes, "I'm sorry you feel all of these things. But I can promise you, no one hates you. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone also has something they're making up for daily. And Benjamin was an asshole with bad intentions from the start and at the end of the day, Louis chose to put his faith in you. He went with his heart and didn't second guess you'd ever text someone like that."Calum thumbs away his tears, "yes, zayn and Louis were upset at you and liam but look at you all now. You're all still together and going strong. Harry, you have a baby by the man you love! Louis is still pushing everyday to keep you guys together and so are you. There's nothing you can do to change the past but everyday you wake up and decide to fight and not make the same mistakes twice."
"Also, fuck everyone on the Internet! They're just bitter and jealous. No one knows what truly happens between you and Louis expect you and him. Don't let anyone distract you."Calum lays back down and wraps his arms around harry. "I love you harry and I'm so proud of you and so is your mummy. She might not be here but her love is."
Harry can't do anything but cry into calums arms and thank him.
Hello! I hope you're all having a good day, this chapter was sad :*(
Twitter harry | l.s [ Mpreg ]
Adventure| a story where hybrid harry has an obsession with louis so he posts about it on twitter | Mostly made too be funny & stupid