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"It was a fucking mess."Ashton rants jamming his key into the lock. Louis mods his head slowly, "like they all just started piling on the car."He slurs twisting the knob but curses when it doesn't open. He tries again, and again till he finally unlocks the door. Louis stumbles behind him just as drunk.

"Call of duty zombies is something else."Ashton finishes shaking his head. Louis stops in his tracks, he could of sworn Ashton was talking about getting mobbed the other day at a red carpet event or wherever he went not some video game. Ashton doesn't seem to notice though he just calls out for his hybrid to come greet him.

"Right."Louis slurs slowly pressing his hand to his chest.

"Coming daddy!"Calum squeals running towards the front door. He was in the living room cuddled up with harry whilst they watched one of their favorite tv shows and ate the food the maids cooked them before leaving for the night. Once Calum rounds the corner, he runs into his daddy's arms. "Hi!"He giggles happily accepting the kisses Ashton peppers on his face.

"Mmm' how are you dove? Have a good night?"

"Yeah, me and Har- what is he doing here?"Calum hisses. He didn't even notice Lou's standing behind Ashton because he was to happy to see his daddy finally come home even if he was drunk.

"Oh! Me and Lou are gonna watch the game."Ashton explains now making a B line for the living room where harry just so happens to be curled up watching tv.

"But you know who's here daddy!"Calum whines grabbing at his arm trying to stop him.

Aston blinks at him confused.


Calum glares at louis then turns back to Ashton, "Harry!"He whispers harshly trying not to squirm under his daddy's scowl for being so harsh and disrespectful. He just wants to protect his best friend, louis should be anywhere near him. Not till Harry's okay with it.

"H-harry?"Louis breath hitches. "He's here?"

"Yes but not for you!"Calum hisses.

"Kitten."Louis stampers our making his way to the living room. He hasn't seen harry in so long and it emotionally hurts him. He hurt his kitten so so so bad. He just wants to make it all better, go back to when harry was living with him and they were happy. "K-kitten?"Louis makes it into the living room with Ashton and Calum right behind him.

Harry's to wrapped up in the tv to noticed, he's got his hand rubbing on his baby bump and eyes wide looking at peppa pig hang up on her friend because she could whistle but peppa couldn't. Louis stumbles over to the couch, watching harry with sad eyes.

"K-kitten?"Louis breathes out.

Harry turns to him then. Completely shocked, "wh-what doin' here?"Is the first thing he asks, arm protectively wrapped around his stomach as looks at Calum for answers then back at louis.

"I swear I didn't know harry! He just came with Ashton!"

"Oh no, kitty has to go."Harry stammers out trying to climb down from the couch. "Can nots be wit' lou. Nots right now. Call papas."Harry blabbers to himself struggling just a bit to get down from the couch because of his belly and the fact that Louis is only feet away from him, staring at him with sad eyes.

"Harry...please."Louis whimpers out. "Please...I JSU's wanna talk to you."

"No nots right now."Harry whimpers himself. "Can not."

"Harry."Ashton says placing a hand on the boys shoulder. "It's late okay? Your papas are sleep. Just stay okay? You don't have to do anything you don't want to. I can help you up to bed and take you home in the morning."

Louis might fall to the floor at that.

"No, no, no, harry has to go."Harry whines running at his eyes harshly trying not to cry. "Has to go."

"I'll go."Louis says.

"No! You're drunk lou."Ashton argues, "you can't drive and it's to late to call an Uber."

"Daddy!"Calum cries at the same time. Ashton grows frustrated, louis keeps mumbling about leaving along with harry and Calum won't stop whining his name about just driving harry home. But he's drunk to and can't drive either, plus he won't trust a driver with harry and it's just all to much right now.

"God damn it!"Ashton shouts. "Please Just shut up, everyone for one fucking second."He snaps tugging at his own hair frustratedly. "We can handle this Alright? We'll do something that makes everyone comfortable."

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