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"Harry!"Louis hollers once he has stepped into the living room. He's standing in front of Benjamin who's pretending to give him a confused look, Harry's phone is on the other side of the couch faced up with different messages comings in left and right. Louis crosses and arms around his chest and taps his foot impatiently.

Harry makes it to the living room about a minute later, he struggled because of his belly. "Yes daddy?"The hybrid asks breathless and with a flushed face.

Louis' voice softens, "sit down darling. I have something I want to talk about."he doesn't hesitate to help Harry sit down on the couch nor does he hesitate when he presses a chaste kiss to Harry's forehead that cause the kitten to preen and the one next to him to tense up with jealously.

"So anyone explain to me who daddydom is?"Louis asks slowly going through the messages on Harry's twitter dms. It's so so obvious how harry wouldn't even be able to do something like this, the boy can't even type like that. Once Louis gets to the end of the thread he shuts off Harry's phone and tosses it on the armchair behind him.

Benjamin is staring at him with faux innocence and Harry looks at him confused. "D-Daddydom?"The other hybrid asks sweetly pretending to be confused. Louis tried not to openly roll his eyes. This hybrids game was getting old. "I don't know him, sir."

"Is Harry friend?"His own kitten asks with little furrowed eyebrows.

The older man shakes his head, "No sweetheart. He isn't your friend but he might be Benjamin's."He glares at the boy who gasps offended. "I thought you were better than that honestly. Trying to frame harry for cheating, really?"Harry glances between the both of them as he slowly rubs his stomach.

"Wh-What?"Benjamin stutters, "I did no such thing!"

"I don't have time for this. Call whoever the fuck takes care of you. Tell them they have ten minutes to get here before I call the cops."Louis grits through his teeth. He makes to snatch Harry's phone off the armchair before helping his kitten up from the couch into the den room where he would be safe. There's no telling what Benjamin would do now.

He badly wants to get the hybrid arrested for leaking his address but hybrids don't go to jail, they get put into sex trafficking. Louis wasn't a monster.



Y'all.......I am so sorry this update is LATE late. I ain't even gonna come up with a shitty excuse, I just didn't write when I was suppose to and I apologize 😔👊🏽

If you see me in the street, you can beat my ass just for this. I'm sorry.

Kill me too cause death look a little nice rn 🤪

Anyways. See you on the next update (whenever the fuck that will be)


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