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"Harry just not think it safe."The hybrid says honestly twiddling with his fingers. He thinks it was time for louis to get him a collar. No one will truly know harry is a claimed hybrid unless he has one, he's never faced problems before because Liam had a small thin collar on him but Louis doesn't have anything. They often go out to around the neighborhood because it's the only place where they won't get papped.

There's a hybrid park and several hybrid stores. "Mhmm."louis hums absently. He was more focused on answers a few emails then the hybrid standing in front of him. After the whole walking in Harry talking about louis not loving him, wanting to be treated differently, and just wanting to be loved properly. Louis only changed for a while.

He showered harry in kisses after the boy sucked his cock, brought him new and better toys. But that was about it. Now he's back to ignoring the hybrid. Louis showed him more attention and love when they were just Fucking, with no strings attached. Well, louis had no strings attached.

He's conflicted. At times he truly does loves Harry but others he feels force to love the hybrid because he's pregnant with his child. "So...daddy buy kitty collar now?"Louis glanced at him once then back at the computer.


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Much to the hybrids surprise; he does get a collar. He even gets to pick it out himself at the collar store. He picks a bright pretty pink and gets 'daddy's kitty' engraved into it in sliver cursive. Harry is bouncing off his feet. He hasn't stopped smiling since they left the store.

He takes hundreds of pictures of the collar so he can send it to everyone in his contact list that consists of his papas, calum, calums daddy, Niall, and Louis. Harry giggles biting down on his bottom lip as he looks through the pictures. " tank daddy!"Harry beams.

Louis glances over at him with a fond smile on his lips, "anything for you love."He puts his hand on Harry thigh whilst he drives and the hybrid purrs.

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"Yes daddy yes."Harry cries arching of the bed. Louis had him spread out on the bed, bum up in the air as the older man eats him out. His beard was leaving burn marks so that had harry squirming. "Oh oh oh."the hybrid whimpers pushing his bum back only to get a smack in return.

Louis uses his thumb to circle the boys hole before licking a long stripe across it, harry falls puddy in his hands, trying his best to keep a grip on these jets but Louis was relentless. Fucking the small boy hole with his tongue and smacking his bum where'd he tried to push back.

Harry comes when louis gets a hand on him and tells him 'come for daddy kitten'. He's to tired to even flip himself over so louis does it. "Such a good kitten."louis praises dragging the wet wash cloth over the hybrids Body to clean him up. Harry only hums, eyelids closing before he falls into a deep deep sleep.

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