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"No! No touch kitty."Harry hisses scrambling to the top of bed kicking his small feet out in some sort of protection. "Stop!"He hisses again flaring his arms around when louis tries to grab at his arms. Their was no way in hell he was about to get a punishment for a accident. Especially after what happened in his previous punishment. Louis fucked him and left, he felt used.

"Harry."Louis growls trying to get a proper grip on the hybrid.

"Stop! Can not touch kitty! Stop it!"Harry whimpers out growing tired from all the moving he was doing, he couldn't keep this up forever and Louis wasn't one to give up easily. "St-stop. No touch harry please."The hybrid cries backing up into the corner of the bed where the wall was. "No tou-touch Lou no tou-touch."

Louis takes in a dee breath and climbs onto the bed grabbing harry by his arms the hybrid tries to tuck himself into. Harry gave up, he just cries into louis arms as the man drags them to the edge of the bed. "Pl-please."Harry whines when louis sits down onto the edge of the bed and sets harry down on his lap.

"Only a few darling."

"No, no, no. Harry do-don't want punish Lou. No punish kitty."Louis takes another deep breath and pulls harry from laying across his lap and sits the boy down on his his legs so their facing each other. "No touch please."Harry whines again trying to pull out of the mans grasp.

"Harry. Love, please look at me."Louis tries to direct Harry's eyes back to him but the boy is stubborn and keeps mumbling 'no touch. No touch. Let go' under his breath whilst trying to get away. "Kitten."Louis spoke.

"Please lou. No touch."Finally, louis does let him go and harry quickly scrambles our of his lap and to the corner of the room. Louis takes a deep breath watching harry curl to himself then runs a hand through his matted hair, "phone. Where kitty phone."Harry mumbles to himself rocking back and forth.

The man stands to his feet giving harry one last look before he walks out the room. Leaving harry in the darkness. Harry hated the dark and Louis knew this but yet he went out of his way to turn off the light as he left.


Harry jiggles the door knob but it doesn't budge. He whines pitifully and drops back down to his knees in front of the door. After he got the courage to stand up he tried to open the door but it wouldn't open. Then he tried calling out for someone to open the door but they were to busy trying to clean up the house from the party.

It's been two hours since he and Louis were in the room but yet the man or no one came to check on him. It's not like no one would notice he was gone right?


"Where the fuck is harry?"Liam curses pushing pass the people talking in small groups. He hadn't seen harry since the boy was in his arms and that was hours ago. He see,ed like he was the only one worried as to where the small boy could be and Harry couldn't of been with loud because the last time he seen Louis he was piling into a car to head to a bar with a few other people.

Liam trudges up the stairs to the house and opens every door he walks pass, eventually, he does get to the room harry is in. The boy has his fingers poking out of the crack on the bottom of the door while pitifully whining 'papas'. Liam waste no time in opening the door being mindful of harry laying right in front of it.

"Harry? What the hell?"Liam question gathering the crying boy into his arms. "Why are you sitting in the dark? I thought you hated the dark love.."

"Papa...kitty daddy put harry in here."Harry tried to explain through gasps. He was so happy to finally be out the room and into the light. "Leave kitty all alone."Harry whimpers tightening his hold on Liam. His papa shakes his head in disappointment.

"C'mon Love, lets get you home."

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