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Harry: dady? 😔

Harry: y wit her?

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Harry: kity srry 😢😢😢

Harry: pls dady I srry

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New message from +44-373-3468 (3)

+44-373-3468: Hello?

+44-373-3468: this is Louis. I got a new phone number

+44-373-3468: Harry?

Harry: 😡😡😡 y u wit her!?!?! N y chnge numer!?!?

Incoming call from +44-373-3468


Harry stares at the screen for a minute before answering,

"Hi ki-"

"Why you with her?"The hybrid asks before louis can get his words out. "Kitty say sorry! But you go with her!"Harry wipes at his eyes angrily and pastes around his room with a careful hand on his stomach. He was about six months long now and his stomach was huge, sometimes it was difficult for him to sleep but he just watched old interviews of Louis and eventually drifted off to sleep.


"You no want to be with me anymore?!? That's why you with her?"

"If you'd let me explain-"

"No no no! You can not explain being with her! You know kitten not like her so you be with her because harry make you mad? Sad?"

"Darling. That's not why I was with her. Hell, I wasn't even with her. Those photos are old love."Louis takes a deep breath and makes a left turn, "I would do something like that to you dove. It's just- I have to do a few things okay? Image wise."

Harry sniffles, "whatever. Kitten deserves it anyway."

"Don't say that."

"Kitten wit' papa all time so lou can be with elina."

Louis let's out a soft chuckle, "it's Eleanor. The circumstances are different Harry....Liam is your father."The man swallows. He doesn't even like to think about what Liam and Harry did so long ago, let alone say it. Clearing his throat, louis takes his keys out the car and leans against his seat, "you have nothing to worry about Harry okay? There's gonna be some photos - old ones - and some articles. But they are all fake."Does he mention how he'll be with Eleanor for a pap walk tomorrow evening?

Harry doesn't speak for a few seconds, "Kitty no understan'."

"What's going to happe-"

Incoming call from Papa L 😺😻😸😽🤗😜😋😝😘😚😙🙈💞💖💝

"Hold on daddy! Papa calling!"Harry hangs up and quickly accepts the call from Liam.

"Hi papa!"

"Hello Harry. I am at the store now, what is that you wanted?"There's a lot of shouting in the background and Harry can barely hear Liam but manages to have a little idea of what he's asking.

"Oh! The jacket and pants."Harry says, "the one that matches! Are you in Gucci papa?"


"Okay, please get a medium! Daddy does not fit large clothes."

"Uh- Okay. What color did he want?"

"The grey! He like pic on twitter!"

"Right- Zayn hon, can you get the grey one? Thank you love."

Harry hums rocking on the heels of his feet. He was currently home alone because his papas had to go shopping but it would only take an hour so they decided it was best for Harry to stay home Incase they get mobbed. It'd be too dangerous for Harry if something like that happened.

"Okay harry. We've got it, we'll be home soon."

"Kk! Bye bye papa."Harry hangs up the phone and tosses it on the bed. He completely forgets he was on the phone with Louis before his papas called, he was just so excited to get louis a new tracksuit to congratulate him on being apart of the X-factor. The hybrid makes his way to his papas study and hops onto the computer so he can watch new cartoons.

The ringing of his phone repeatedly not being heard because of how far away he is from it.


Louis looked so good last night 😭😭😭. One of his boys is definitely going to win the X factor, his group is nothing but TALENT.

Who do you want to win?

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