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Harry went completely crazy at the mall. He brought anything that looked relatively cute to him and tons of toys that would not only entertain a baby but him also. Zayn can't how many times he waited ten minutes just for Harry to play with baby toys then drop them for something even better.

To be honest, his feet were aching and his arms had imprints from all the bags he was holding. Their security guards were also carrying tons of bags so it wasn't lie he could just hand them over to them. But finally Harry decides he's done once he's shopped till he could no longer walk without whining, ate three pretzels, and the small group of fans following them get annoying.

Now they were back home and Zayn was downstairs making dinner while Harry put up everything in the baby's room. Zayn has someone built in one last minute after harry was no longer living with Louis after he cheated and it looks exactly like the one louis had built himself for their baby.

Harry's lets out a breath of relief and lays back down on the soft carpet of the floor still surrounded by empty bags of the mall. It took about two hours to put everything into place but Harry loved doing it regardless. His baby girl is going to be absolutely spoiled rotten once she's born.

"Harry!"Zayn calls out piling the last of the cooked food on the hybrids plate."Time to eat!"Harry groans, just when he got comfortable.


Liam visits later that night with gifts for the baby since he never got around to getting some for the baby's gender reveal party. Harry's the one to open the door when he knocks and the small boy immediately jumps into his papas arms, it's rare for him to see Liam now of days. It's always a surprise when Liam does come around.

"Hi papa!"Harry chirps happily letting Liam carry him around the house, he's a little more heavy than how he use to be because he's pregnant but Liam doesn't seem to mind. Although, the man is breathless by the time he gets them settled on a couch. Harry giggles and climbs off his lap. "Wanna watch movie 'wit kitty?"Harry asks already grabbing the remote before Liam answers.

"Yeah, Yeah, sure, where's uh Zayn?"Liam coughs awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Dunno last time kitty see papa he was 'touchin himself and tell harry to leave."Liam blinks obviously shocked harry would tell him something like that and the fact Zayn is probably upstairs right now wanking. A part of Liam hopes it's to the thought of him. "Ooo kitty and papa watch Cinderella!"Harry giggles purchasing the movie on the tv which will be charged to zayns account, not like it matters anyways he buy all those movies and do it several more times without making a dent in his bank account.

Five minutes into the movie, liam has to excuse himself. He can't sit still knowing Zayn is upstairs getting off. He might be screamed and yelled at for wondering upstairs and into their old room but it's much better than sitting downstairs and doing nothing to help his husband.

And if Zayn let's him come in, no one has to know but them.

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